
Monday, October 31, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Oh For Smell-O-Vision!!

Maybe that should be ... Oh For Smell-O-Monitor-Vision!  Anyway, my Oriental ladies are blooming and the fragrance is heavenly.

This is only the second year I've grown these grand ladies and I'm now hooked!   I'm not one for cutting blooms to bring inside but I couldn't resist the urge to bring a bouquet of them into the house. They're taking pride of place on the kitchen bench right now, but the fragrance fills almost every room in the house.

These huge blooms came in a mixed pack of bulbs, so I don't know the varietal names. I have to say, even though I don't know who they are, they're most welcome in my home.   Now all I have to figure out how is just how can I keep them coming back each year.

This is my 200th post for this blog and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to show off these fabulous flowers.  This is why I enjoy gardening so much!

I'm joining Mary's meme Mosaic Monday.  Do go on over and check out all the fabulous mosaic posts. 


  1. Hello Bernie, your grand ladies are just gorgeous. I am sure the scent is just heavenly. Thanks for sharing, have a great week!

  2. I can just imagine the lovely scent. 200 posts - you have been busy :)

  3. I can tell you one thing...your flowers are in blooming while mine are drooped over from the silly snow we got Friday night. Your flowers are so pretty, and I really do like the choices you made for the collage. Nice photography. genie

  4. They are splendid! I'm with you about cut flowers, but sometimes they are irresistible.

  5. They look awesome Bernie, love the yellow one. Congratulations on your 200th post. Enjoy your week:)

  6. Ohhh! So beautiful! I bet the fragrance is filling your home with joy.

  7. They are gorgeous. I love the heady scent of lilies. Your blogs are always a pleasure to read. Your passion for your garden shows in every word you write and always accompanied by stunning photography and it's wonderful to see the video clips.
    Looking forward to the next 200.

  8. Oh Bernie ~ How lovely these flowers are. It would be wonderful to be able to take in their sweet scent. Thank you for sharing these with us. It's always a delight visiting with you and seeing your gardens.


  9. What could be prettier than a mosaic full of lilies.The yellows and pinks make a beautiful bouquet.

  10. Bernie,

    The lilies are lovely to see this time of year, wish I could smell them.


  11. They are so lovely and I have some in my garden in the summer so I know just how wonderful their fragrance is. I too don't like to cut them but after seeing yours, I just might have to next summer. Congrats on the 200th post!

  12. I agree, someday they need to invent scratch-n-sniff blogs ;) I can almost smell their sweet scent from here.

  13. I love lilies and really miss the ones that grow here. Eight months from now.... I do like the fragrance too.


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