
Friday, October 28, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On A Warm Spring Day.

Our mid-Spring month is now almost over and I can feel Summer just waiting around the corner.  The days are getting warmer, but thankfully the nights are still comfortable.  It's getting hectic at work now that the end of the school year is approaching.  It an absolute joy to come home from a long day at school and find the Oriental Lilies blooming and filling the shadehouse with their exotic perfume.  Oh if only we had smell-o-vision!  I could share the wonderful fragrance with you all.

These are from a mixed pack of bulbs so unfortunately I have no idea of their specific varietal names.  They are such beautiful blooms and absolutely huge!  Now from the giants to the midgets.

Another fantastic surprise this week was the sight of the first tiny little blooms on my Hoya bella.  These flowers are only around 1 cm across and also have a lovely fragrance.  I wish my camera was better so I could take macro shots.  If you look right up close to these flowers, they look almost like beautiful cake decorations.

The Asiatic Lilies have been blooming for a couple of weeks now, but out of all the lovely blooms that came from the mixed pack of bulbs, I really adore the colour of this particular Asiatic Lily. 

My pretty Callistemon 'Pink Champagne' is throwing out more and more blooms now.  The lonely first bloom appeared a few weeks ago, but now there's more and more of the dainty bottlebrush blooms appearing. 

My Salvia madrensis has started its second blooming for the year.  It bloomed mid-Autumn.  I cut it right back mid-Winter, and its now putting on its mis-Spring display.

One of my favourite Pelargoniums is looking fabulous.   It's one of the few Pellies I managed to get through the last wet season and I'm so glad I did.

The Rex Begonias continue to show their sweet little flowers and I'm always amazed at the intricacies of these tiny flowers as well as the spectacular foliage patterns.

The last offering for this flower flaunt today are the bracts and eensy weensy blooms on my variegated Bougainvillea.  I just love the colour of these bracts.

Now, make sure you pop over to visit Tootsie now and you'll find loads of great Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers  posts.

I'm joining Tina for her meme, Weekend Flowers, so follow the link to see some more lovely blooms there,

and I'm also joining Today's Flowers where you will see many beautiful flower photos.  Enjoy!


  1. Ale się nawąchałam lilii :-). Śliczne zdjęcia kwiatów. Pozdrawiam

  2. Once again Bernie you wow me with all your lovely flowers. I love your rex begonia - as you know you are the instigator of my growing love affair with them. Now I am beginning to wonder if I can grow oriental lilies.

  3. Bernie, I am so jealous of all of your beautiful blooms. We are so winding down here, just my roses continuing to bloom with a frost warning tonight. I will definitely be using your garden to keep my spirits up over our winter months.


  4. I love all your flowers & I especially love the piano accompaniment, its a lovely touch.

  5. It does my heart good to tour around the gardens that are linked into my little party...I so wish every one of the people who share lived close enough that I could walk the gardens in person. Thank you so much for sharing with me this week...I hope you will again very soon!
    I am sharing this post on my Tootsie Time Facebook page as well!!!!
    Hugs and smiles from Alberta Canada to you!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  6. Bernie, such a beautiful mid spring garden that you have! I will enjoy popping over to your blog and taking in the color this winter! Cheers, Jenni

  7. It is you Bernie who inspire me to try those Asiatic lilies because i think their growth there is timed just like with our conditions. It will be a challenge for me to make them grow and flower. That first photo is so excellent with velvety like texture. And I am amazed at your Hoya because it is growing upright like a bush and not viny. I have one with the same size of flower but pinkish. Your blooms are so beautiful, except that bougainvilla because we have a lot of those too! haha.

  8. Bernie, your flowers look fabulous! Your photographs are getting better by the week! Been reading up on technique? Wow!

  9. You have certainly lifted my sprits on this a dark autumn morning. Fantastic blooms. I love the lilies; the colour in the first photo is gorgeous. How I long for spring and flowers in my garden again. It all looks so sad now. Winter is looming fast the clocks change tomorrow. Not something I look forward to. Have a good weekend.

  10. When I saw the title of your blog I knew you had to be a fellow Australian...and I enjoyed seeing your garden.
    I'm in Noosa, way down in SE Qld.

  11. Hejsa.
    Rigtig flotte blomster du viser.
    Jeg har tilføjet mig som følger af din blog.
    Skriver på dansk da jeg ikke er 100% perfekt til engelsk, men bruger Google til tranlate.
    Ønsker dig en god week-end.
    Knus Hanne Bente

  12. thanks for this lovely weekend flowers. it´s so nice to get flowers from australia here in germany :)

  13. Oh, the lilies! It's a reminder that ours need digging and dividing here where we are looking at winter. All your flowers are delightful but the lilies best of all. Mixed are good; special surprises.

  14. They are all lovely flowers. I do enjoy the heady aroma of lilies.

  15. I have a Hoya bella too, the same color.
    It is a delicate flower.

  16. I am do envious of you and all of these gorgeous flowers now that it is snowy and cold here in Virginia. Winter came early this year. Last night was our first snow and it is still only October. Hope all is well down under, and things continue to be rebuilt after the disaster. I often wonder how things are going all of this time later. Your captures are beautiful as always. You are one fabulous gardener. You definitely have the green thumb I did NOT get. genie

  17. Fantastic images, Bernie. Love to see your collection of exotic blooms!

  18. Lovely collection of flowers here!

  19. a gorgeous collection! the lilies are very pretty!

  20. Your yellow salvia is something new. The Asiatic lilies are gorgeous! I bought their bulbs twice, and was disappointed both times, as the plants just died without flowering:( Perhaps they don't know that my garden is in Asia too.

  21. I must get some of those Asiatic lilies they are spectacular. Loved all your beautiful flowers. I just had a pruning session. All the straggly lemon scented tea trees got a heavy cut. I ope they come back again .

  22. Hello Bernie, your flowers are all just stunning. I wish my garden had just a few of these beauties. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday!

  23. The flowers were so pretty and I love your garden I wish I have a garden like yours more blooming flowers. It looks wonderful.

  24. Hi Bernie, I collect caladium here in Brazil. I love these plants, they are wonderful and every leaf that opens is a joy and an exuberant explosion of color.

  25. A great article on flowers according to me on one of the best topic.

  26. The people who love to read new will surely get lot of benefits from this and there is no doubt that the information is world class about flowers.


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