
Monday, November 28, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... The Sound Of Music ... Ah, I Mean The Sound Of Rain!

Raindrops on rooftop and raindrops on flowers,

Birds and the dry bush are covered by showers,

Grey skies and grey clouds at the end of our Spring,

These are a few of my favourite things!

Yes, it looks as if the dry season is coming to an end for this year.  It was relatively short ... only seven months without rain this time around ... but it's always a harsh time.  Now it seems that the wet season is not too far off.  The garden could certainly do with some decent rainfall, so roll in those rain clouds!!

Enjoy lots of fabulous Mosaic Monday posts at Mary's Little Red House


  1. I bet the sound of the rain on the tin roof makes you smile.I love the smell of the earth just after a shower.I hope you have a lot more showers but no monsoons!
    Have a good week.

  2. Of course it must be fantastic to have some rain after so many months with dry weather. I like the photo of the red hibiscus very much. Enjoy the rain and have a nice week.

  3. What a cute post! I like the little bird.
    Have a wonderful week,

  4. Hi Bernie, I am sure you plants and flowers are very happy to drink up the rain after the dry season. The birds look very wet but very pretty too. Wonderful post and mosaic. Have a great day!

  5. Raindrops and flowers AND birds, what a beautiful combination!

  6. I'm loving the rain for you! What a joy.

  7. Always nice to see and hear about the weather in other parts of the world.
    The little soggy bird is sweet - enjoy your rain!

  8. The soggy bird is just so cute! Your pics are wonderful Bernie. Enjoy the rain...


  9. Après moi, le déluge! Wonderful sight especially of the brilliant yellow (?)sunbird hunching against the downpour

  10. That little bird looks like it's relishing its first shower of the season. Great shot!

  11. Beautiful photos and that bird is amazing! We are having some rain today in sunny Florida! It's a welcome and beneficial rain! ♥

  12. I think of the end of your spring is the rain on the awning. It is all so pretty. Winter is just about here. Just came in from pulling up the dead stuff from the looked so bad and so sad. Glad it is cleaned up for the show to come. Hope all if well with you. School is back in session after our giving holiday. It was nice to stay at home. genie

  13. What a long dry season. I love the little yellow bird; great shot!

  14. your little sodden bird looks so cute! we have just had a few showers on and off - nothing like your downpours!


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