
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ... Peek-A-Boo!

(Agile Wallaby playing hide-and-seek)

I'm joining Tina's Wordless Wednesday today with this wildlife shot.  Pop over and join the fun!


  1. are these kanguruhs? they are so sweet! thanks for sharing with us :)

  2. Such a sweet and innocent face but nasty plant muncher!

  3. Oh this is such a cute photo!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. We don't see marsupials in the US, so this is a treat to see. His long and strong back legs give him real leaping ability. Nice then that he slows down enough to pose for the photo artist!

  5. so lovely Bernie- looks like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. They can't be blamed for not recognising the boundary between garden and scrub but bet you wish they'd learn!

  6. Like the white tailed deer up here, your agile wallaby looks innocently cute but deadly to garden plants. Great shot!

  7. Oh haha he thinks he could hide inside there. Cute!

    I don't have kangaroo here but squirrels. And that plant, I have one growing in my garden. Have not flowered yet.

  8. Awwww...I'd still love to see a Wallaby in my yard...just once! Goodness knows we seem to have everything else here already! ;)

  9. Missy, yes cute until they start munching on my garden!

    Tina, there are differences between kangaroos and wallabies, and we only see wallabies at my place.

    Sueb, yes spot on! That's an accurate desciption for these little ones.

    Thanks for visiting Dianne, Verana and JBar. Glad you enjoyed the shot.

    Ralph, the wallabies are a daily sight at my place, but this year have proven to be a bit of a nuisance.

    Laura, they have no idea our property isn't for their eating pleasure! I'm sure they're convinced we're in the wrong spot and it's really their place.

    Laurrie, they have definitely not been in my good books this year!

    Stephanie, yes this pair was trying to hide from other wallabies but they didn't really do a great job of it.

    Curbstone, I wouldn't mind sharing!


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