
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... First Decent Fall Of Rain.

It's raining ... amen, hallelujah!  Yes we've finally had a decent amount of rainfall.  Yesterday afternoon the dark grey clouds rolled in and the rain fell .... and kept on falling for over an hour!  Then the drizzle started up again very, very early this morning and fell for several hours.  Those raindrops actually soaked into the ground and I'm sure I heard the bush give a huge sigh of relief.

I'm pretty sure I hear all my plants giving thanks for this precious gift from the heavens.

It's always a bit of a relief when the dry season finally breaks, although of course the wet season can hold some horrors of its own.  We're all just hoping and praying that we get lots of lovely rain and not too much of the other stuff ... monsoonal downpours that turn into flooding rains or nasty cyclones.

For now though, it's just delightful to see raindrop splashed blooms out in the garden,

like the Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose', also known as 'Queen Sirikit',

and the Pseudomussaenda flava or Mussaenda lutea.

The tiny little flower buds are appearing on the Ardisias once more  ...

... and the Gardenia augusta is still blooming away happily.

Ixora 'Twilight Glow' is covered in its vibrant orange and yellow flowers ...

... and the Angelonias are flowering as well.

Gomphrena globosa is back on show ...

... and the Gazanias are showing their fabulous faces.

There are still some Hemerocallis to be found ...

... and Mussaenda philippica 'Calcutta Sunset' has shown its bracts and tiny flowers once more.

Of course, it's not just myself or my plants that are enjoying the rain, the birds are having great fun splashing about in the liquid sunshine as well.

Go on over and visit Tootsie to join in her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme

and be sure to visit Tina for her Weekend Flowers on Friday as well.


I'm also joining Today's Flowers as well.


  1. Good to see you have some liqued sunshine, and it's so good to get my fix of flowers. Although my garden seems to be in a state of confusion. I have a Leucojum and a Virbascum both in flower!?!
    must be the mild autumn, hard frost on its way so they will not last very long.

  2. Glad you got some rain as well. We needed it. I love your mussaendas. Haven't been able to get them to grow here.

  3. oh my; we both did 'rain' posts for this weekend flowers; nice. I loved your photos, the angelonias especially took my eye; I've never heard of them before. It looks like a perennial; I'd love that somewhere in my garden too. The spinebill is just glorious; wow you were lucky to get that shot I'm sure; they're generally rather timid. I only have the Eastern Spinebill here...

  4. So beautiful. Your have a fantastic garden. I wish I could have it ;-) glad you are getting some much needed rain.

  5. thanks for sharing your lovely flowers with us! the last one is very special :)

  6. Well you gave me my flower fix for today Bernie. I always love dropping by your blog to see a few new plants flowering that I have not saw before. The Bangkok Rose has such beautiful blooms on it. I hope you get some helpful rains too. Enough with the extremes already for one year.

  7. Great pics. Thanks for putting the names on your flowers. I am featuring the pink Ixora but I didn't know the name. Thanks for sharing.

    Pink Flowers

  8. A lovely collection of flowers! We're having lots of rain here too, but only for a short while.

  9. Bernie,

    The only word I can think of for this post is lucious! My garden is definitely gone to bed even though our temps were in the high 50's F today. The only thing blooming is my Christmas decor.


  10. Sue, the sky is clear and blue again today with no sign of any more lovely rain. I'm hoping there's more rain on the way soon. It's great to hear you still have some bloms in your garden at this time of year.

    Missy, the rain was most welcome. We just need it to keep coming now. I wonder why the Mussaendas don't do well down there?

    Carole, I popped over to visit your blog and enjoy the rain soaked blooms there. They were lovely. The Angelonia is indeed a perennial here and I'll be adding more of it around the place next year as it really has done so well and survived the varying conditions this year.

    Joyful, thanks for visiting. Hopefully there's more rain on the way now as we head into our Summer.

    Tina, I'm enjoying your meme very much and it's been a pleasure to be part of it.

    Marit, thank you.

    Lona, yes we've definitely had enough of extremes this year. Fingers crossed the coming Summer and wet season is pleasant and well-mannered this time around.

    Modern Mom, I'm glad I could help out with your plant I.D. I've had to learn all the botanic names myself since I began my gardening blogs as I really didn't know them all that well before.

    Jama, let's hope we both get decent rain in the coming weeks.

    Eileen, we sure are lucky here to have blooms all year round. I always find it interesting when other gardeners talk about putting their gardens to bed for the winter ... it's such a foreign notion to me.

  11. I really like photos of flowers in the rain, but your wet bird was so unexpected and such a good photo. So many happy looking flowers...

  12. Wow, it s beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. wow you have a very lovely photos :) love all of them!

  14. What a lush and varied garden you have. It looked like they were drinking up the rain.

  15. Wow! The variety! Great shots all.

  16. The garden seem to be enjoying the downpour!

    I love the Gazanias!

  17. Your garden seems to be enjoying the rain.I like this view of your garden very much. We are also having rainy days here now.

  18. I like the rain photo, Bernie, and I'm glad you and your garden are sighing in relief. I am sighing because it won't stop raining here but I know it will soon be hot and dry, so I'm trying to appreciate it.

  19. Wishing you a lovely wet season with no horrible storms. As always I LOVE your courtyard and all of your bloomers.


  20. Hi Bernie, I am new to your web page and also reasonably new to dry tropics gardening, have been in the area 2 years, from a cold little valley on Sydney's western fringes, so have had to rethink a lot of my gardening ideas. slowly getting there, your garden looks fantastic. Thank for the shots


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