
Friday, October 21, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This Mid-Spring Day.

Yet another Flower Flaunt/Skywatch Friday has begun.  We've had some strange weather lately.  It's been very gusty and windy with grey clouds hanging around heavy with the promise of decent rain.  That hasn't eventuated in my suburb, but apparently there has been heavy showers in other areas around our city area.  Here, we've had some very very light drizzle which barely touches the ground.  The garden, however, seems to be a bit more cheerful and happy.

In my mid-Spring garden the Hemerocallis have begun their show for the year.

At the beginning of the parade of colours was Hemerocallis 'Blackberry Jack', with a whole lot more yellow in his attire than he is supposed to have.  He was out front all by his lonesome for a week or so before being joined by

Hemerocallis 'Francois Verheart', Hemerocallis'.

It didn't take long before Hemerocallis 'Archangel Eyes' joined in.  There's quite a few Hemerocallis waiting in the wings to join the parade, but they haven't appeared just yet.

There's been some lovely colour out in the Shadehouse Garden.

The Asiatic Lilies have been on show,  

as have the Stromanthe sanguinea 'Tricolor',

 the Costus productus or Orange Spiral Ginger,

the Begonia 'Tiger Paws',

the Cane Begonia,

and the Neomarica longifolia clumps are all in bloom right now.  These lovely Yellow Walking Iris flowers only last one day but there are loads of flowerbuds waiting to take their turn to bloom.

The Courtyard Garden is also full of lovely colour ... it's just a shame quite a bit of it is sitting up on the table far away from the nibbling mouths of the Agile Wallabies.

The Petrea volubilis or Sandpaper Vine draped over the pergola is blooming.

The Salvia guaranitica decided to bloom once more, but unfortunately the wallabies discovered it last night and the little thing is not as full of blooms this morning.  It's a shame they haven't developed a taste for Coleus flowers because there's plenty of those!!

The Salvia splendens, Crossandras, Ixora, Pentas and Cleome make a great combination of colours at the back of the courtyard.

The Spathiphyllums, Duranta repens 'Geisha Girl' and Lavandula dentata are flowering now as well.

It's great to see the Duranta in flower out in the courtyard, as I've been missing the fabulous display of Duranta blooms that's usually on show down the driveway at this time of year.

I'm also absolutely loving the flowers on the Gazania 'Big Kiss' series.  They have been loving the dry season conditions.

Out in the tiered garden beds, my baby Justicia brandegeeana or Shrimp Plant is beginning to bloom again.

Now for a most unwelcome bloomer.  Quite a bit of Lantana camara is popping up in the driveway garden beds, obviously blown in during Cyclone Yasi earlier in the year.  This Lantana is a 'weed of national significance' in my country and in my northern state it is a declared Class 3 species weed.  It very quickly gets out of control and can form massive great thickets.  We're surrounded by bushland that's filled with very dense thickets of it and despite my husband's best efforts over many years, we have not been able to remove it.  It is extremely difficult to kill off.  I'm having lots of trouble keeping it out of our property now as well.  Lovely flowers, but not wanted!

I know one of the gardening chores that will be on the list for this weekend.  Enjoy yours!

Today I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.  Make sure you pop over to see what's happening in gardens from all corners of the globe.

Go and visit Today's Flowers as well and you'll find some beautiful blooms.

I'm also joining Skywatch Friday where you will find some fabulous sky shots, so please do put that on your list of blogs to visit as well.


  1. Your garden is so magnificent. They are blooming and full. Thanks for sharing your spring day.

  2. You really have a ton of color at this time of year. The gazania is a real beauty. The garden is so lush and full, just beautiful.

  3. Wow lots of colour. I love the Sandpaper vine that is really pretty. We had a touch of frost this morning :o( Dahlia mush!
    Maddy was very poorly last weekend she had a very sore throat and was very quiet just wanted lots of cuddles …..Nanny has a sore throat now So I have been busy doing course work this week just sent in my second assignment for marking. I did really well with the first one. Quite amazed really! Have a good weekend.

  4. What a paradise you have created!

  5. Your courtyard garden is beautiful . You have such a wonderful collection of plants. We have just returned from a WA wildflower tour.

  6. What can I say, you have a very gorgeous flowers in you garden..

  7. Oh wow. I have loved feasting on your blooms today Bernie. The Begonia Tiger Paws is so lovely. The Sandpaper vine is a beauty too. Reminders me of Lilac blooms. So many pretties.

  8. You have created a paradise of flowers! I especially like your begonias. Your spring is amazing. How warm are your temperatures now?

    I had no idea lantana could be invasive. I have a hard time getting them to survive the winter here, and I have never seen a volunteer.

  9. Spring is looking lovely on your side of the world. I feel your pain about the wallabies. Well, we don't have wallabies, of course, but deer. The deer don't care for my Salvia guaranitica, luckily. I wonder how else their tastes differ.

  10. Bernie, it is so great to see all of these beautiful blooms when we are winding down here. I am daily cutting down the garden and really loving the last of the roses. We are expecting a warmer week so I hope I can get everything done and all of the pots brought into storage.


  11. Thank you everyone. It's great to some lovely colour around in both the courtyard and in the shadehouse, especially during the dry season when we're surrounded by brown and parched bushland.

    Deb, our daytime high temps have been between 27 deg C (80F) and 34 deg C (93F). It depends whether it's an overcast day or not. Those temps are typical of our mid-Spring month.

  12. Here we are in the throws of autumn and brown leaves dot the yard and your world is colored with beautiful lush blooms. :)
    Lovely series of images!!!
    Carletta's Captures

  13. Simply beautiful!

    Visiting from Today's Flower, please come and see some Rose's Disease at my page. Have a blessed Sunday!

  14. You have a fantastic garden! It looks like a lush tropical paradise on your property! You have nibbling wallabies near your house and we have nibbling mule deer at our house--they're cute but great pests!

  15. I am so lucky to have such a great group of gardeners to share with...thank you so much for linking into my little party today...I look forward to many more posts as wonderful as this from you!!!
    I hope your week/weekend is just what you hoped it would be!!!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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