
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Darling Daylilies For Bloomin' Tuesday

I'm joining Jean's Bloomin' Tuesday meme for the first time today and I can share the first of my Hemerocallis bloms for this Spring.

Hemerocallis 'Blackberry Jack' bloomed first, as he has done for the last two years since I planted my very first Hemerocallis bulbs.

Then today, when I arrived home from work, I noticed Hemerocallis 'Francois Verhaert' had suddenly appeared.

These boys are in fine form and make a great first post for a Bloomin' Tuesday.

Do go on over to visit Ms Green Thumb Jean and see what's blooming in other gardens.


  1. I had to drop by for a lily fix. LOL! They are so pretty Bernie. I love your Francois Verhaert lily.

  2. Your daylilies are beautiful. They have become one of my favorite flowers. I've been trying to increase my collection the last several years.
    I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed looking at your pictures.

  3. Gorgeous blooms. I do like 'Blackberry Jack'
    But both very pretty.

  4. Very pretty daylilies,looking good!. Mine are not yet out; I always look forward to their blooming time. The new breeds have become very glam. T♥

  5. Amazing blooms! Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! It's nice for me to see spring blooms when my garden is definately going to bed!

  6. I am jealous! Our fall and winter is beginning and trust me, it won't be anything like your winter. I got new daylily bulbs this year and will be waiting anxiously to see what they are.
    Your garden is beautiful!

  7. Those day lilies are WOW!! I am convinced that you guys put steroids in your plant food...the flora down under is outstanding!


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