
Monday, October 24, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Will The Real Jamaican Stand Up Please!

Well I've only had two very brief years experience growing Daylilies, so I'm not all that clued up on how it all works ... yet!  When the first bloom of my Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Me Crazy' opened up, I was a little taken aback.  It looked quite odd with its crinkly petals and bizarra maroon streaks.  I wasn't sure what was going on. 

Well I think he was just playing with me.  Trying to live up to his name!  Thankfully, I think the real Jamaican is back.  Today another bloom opened and it seems 'Jamaican Me Crazy' is back to his old self. 

Can you spot the difference?

For lots of wonderful Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Hi Bernie, isn't it fascinating how a plant can respond to different temperatures and phases of the season..even if they are less than a week apart? Happy Monday to you!

  2. Looks like yo may have a touch of Hemerocallis gall midge look at the RHS web site where you will find what to look for. Thats the only thing I can think of that would affect your lovely Daylillies.

  3. Hello Bernie, you daylilies are beautiful. I like the multi colors. Beautiful photos, have a great week!

  4. Reminders of summer and the beauty of day lilies!!! Yours are gorgeous!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Cathy

  5. Ruffles are the difference I see right off. I love the colors.


  6. Oh I do love daylilies. That one was just gorgeous. V

  7. Hi Bernie. Love the colours....maybe Daylily was a bit bit bored with same ol same ol!!


    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  8. Is it the ruffles? What gorgeous blooms! Happy Monday! ♥

  9. Beautiful flower, and mosaic! It looks so exotic!

  10. Love those day lilies, my husband had them surrounding our pool. My daughter chose to use them for her wedding, it was stunning and so personal! We will have to find these as they are beautiful.

  11. Daylilys are lovely. I have a few in my garden. Perhaps this one was just wanting to say "look at me!"
    Have a wonderful week Beriue - and thankyou for stopping by my blog - I am glad you enjoyed the read.

  12. I do see the difference. That's quite interesting. I wonder if it was just a genetic hiccup with the flower, or if some unusual weather caused the streaks and ruffles?

  13. They are the same yet different. I'm so jealous because we can't grow blooming daylilies here.

  14. My daylilies, which have long since stopped blooming, didn't have such interesting colouring. It's nice to see a touch of spring in your corner of the world.


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