
Monday, August 29, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Birds and Blooms.

Well, Spring is almost upon us.  There's only two Winter days left and hat's not something I'm rejoicing over.  Springtime here is really just an early Summer.  The days have already started warming up considerably, with the mercury edging closer and closer to that 30 deg C (86F) mark.   The night time temps no longer drop below 15 deg C (59F).  So, before the conditions get warmer, I'm out and about the garden as much as possible.

It's lovely to see so many birds returning to the tree tops around here now.  After so much of the canopy was either stripped or ripped off during Cyclone Yasi back in February, the bird population seemed to dwindle a little as they took off in search of food.  They seem to be returning now as the canopy recovers.

(Starting top left)  I'm seeing Rainbow Lorikeets, Little Shrike Thrushes, Spangled Drongoes, Pheasant Coucals, Figbirds and Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos.  It's lovely hearing all the different bird songs throughout the day.

Out in the courtyard I'm really enjoying the sight of some great annuals flourishing.  Plants such as the Vanilla Marigold and the Bumble Bee Petunia make a great combination.

I'm also enjoying the plentiful blooms on the potted Azaleas.  I love how the flowers start off as dark pink buds, open up to show off their gorgeous dark pink petals and then start to fade to light pink as the flower ages.

Our 'dry' season drags on.  We haven't received rainfall for a few months now, which is usual, but as I gaze out onto the parched landscape that surrounds us here ...

... my mind goes back to the view out over the ocean that I enjoyed last weekend.  It was a refreshing change of scenery.

I'm joining Mary for Mosaic Monday.


  1. Great photos - thanks for sharing. When you mentioned Spring, I had to look to see where you are located. :D

  2. Oh my you have pretty flowers here. I love marigold but don't have this kind and so petunia. Your photos are awesome thanks for sharing!

    Shades of Yellow

  3. What fantastic birds you have there. And your photos are wonderful.

    I've never seen anything like those bumblebee petunias. They are aptly named.

  4. Hi Bernie,

    I wish I was looking forward to spring and not fall and winter! That looks like the same petunia that is called the Phantom here in the US, looks beautiful with the white Marigold.


  5. I love the birds so beautiful. Marigolds, Petunias and Azaleas all looking splendid. What a contrast between the bush view and sea view both beautiful in their own way.

  6. Bernie ~ What wonderful photos of birds that visit your bit of paradise. I think it would be fantastic to hear all their different songs.

    Your flowers are beautiful as always. I love the color of those azaleas.

    Hope you get some rain soon.

    We are looking forward to fall and cooler weather to keep on gardening in.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  7. Tyle piękny ptaków możesz oglądać, to cudowne. Pozdrawiam

  8. Bernie,

    Lovely birds and flowers. The petunias knock my socks off! :D :D Everything is beautiful! Looks like you visited paradise!

  9. I love seeing photos of your birds - so different from our native birds. And those petunias are amazing!

  10. The colours of your mosaics are amazing - it must be wonderful to see such beauty every day. thanks for sharing with us.

  11. Bernie, I love all of the exotic pictures you have posted here. They are just beautiful. I was especially taken with the pictures of the ocean though.

  12. WOW! The mosaic of the ocean is my favorite...of all that I've seen on Mosaic Monday! I do love those bumble bee petunias and all of the wonderful birds! Enjoy your week! ♥

  13. My gosh Bernie, gorgeous is everywhere. Those are great shots of the birds. Can I send Creem Cheez, my Moluccan over?

  14. Hi Bernie. what a variety of exotic birds!! Amazing. I adore those cream coloured marigolds. We struggle to find them here for some reason! Your mosaics are gorgeous. I just posted on my Cape Town blog about all the wild flowers which are amazing this year in spite of very little rain!


  15. That Bumblebee petunia in black and yellow is amazing. What a color combo! I love the closing shots of serene, blue ocean. How refreshing that must be for you now.


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