
Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This Dry, Dry End-of-Winter's Day.

Well, after having some trouble with the internet connection, I'm back to posting once again.  It's dry as a bone around here these days.  Some of the well-established plants around the place are starting to suffer as the 'dry' season rolls on.  The mercury is starting to rise as Spring approaches, so it doesn't take long for the potted plants to dry out as well.

Let's see what's blooming despite the parched conditions.

The first blooms are appearing on the Vanilla Marigolds and they look great in amongst the Bumble Bee Petunias.

I've grown these 'Bonanza' Petunias now for a couple of years and they are most definitely the longest flowering, easiest to keep going Petunias for the climate and conditions here.  I love the ones with the white tips on their petals.  They do make a great show.

More of the 'Bonanza Series' Petunias.

I've only managed to get one pot of Verbenas going this year.  All the other plants succumbed to some sort of fungal problem which I just couldn't get on top of.  Never mind, the ones that have come through are certainly putting on a pretty display.

The Lobelia is mingling wonderfully well with the Lavender.

It's marvellous to see the variegated flowers on this double Impatiens walleriana return.  Last year the flowers had reverted back to just plain red, but obviously the change in position must have done some good.  Those pretty red and white splotches are back.

The display on this unknown variety of Begonia is a gorgeous sight through my kitchen window.

Finally, there's something afoot in my pots of Asiatic and Oriental Liliums. 

I just have to be patient a little longer!

Join in the Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme by popping in to visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm joining Weekend Flowers for the first time.  Thank you for the invitation Tina!

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. Looks great! Water has been an issue for us this year as well. Have a good weekend.

  2. Good morning Bernie good to have you back. You have some lovely colours in your pots. I'm loving the variegated Impatiens very pretty. It look very much like you have some marigold seedlings in with the Oriental Liliums.Very interesting!
    Have a good weekend. S has been away all week so be good to have him home been very very quiet here. But lots of gardening done.


  3. fabulous flower, I wish I had your green thumbs. I must try those petunias. The brush turkeys have dug up the ones I just planted.

  4. The colours are magnificant! Always nice to visit your gardens.

  5. Love your begonia pot, Bernie with only the delicate white flowers to highlight the variegated foliage. Am intrigiued by your lavendar which has leaves I do not recognise. The red/white Impatiens are captivating.

  6. As usual, more lovely blooms to see here. I love that red/white impatiens.

    I hope you get some rain soon. We've had so much rain we are turning into a jungle. After several years of being in a drought though, I'm not complaining.


  7. So pretty Bernie. I saw Bumblebee petunias for the first time at the Falls this year and thought they were so unique. They too had them planted with marigolds but a much brighter flower. I like your combo much better with the softer yellow.

  8. You have some very pretty flowers to flaunt this morning! I don't usually grow Petunias, but that Bonanza series is very pretty, I might just try those, if I can find them. It will be quite a while before your lilies flower, they're one of my favorite flowers. Hope you get some rain soon.

  9. Hi Bernie. I love the double petunias. The pink with a touch of white edging is so pretty.You have quite a few verbena flowers also. Your flowers are looking so beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I love all the petunias you have flaunted this week! So very pretty and dependable, aren't they? And the double impatiens is gorgeous too. That begonia is simply stunning, I've never seen one like it, what a beautiful plant to look at through your kitchen window.

  11. U nas będzie jesień, a Was wiosna, będzie co oglądać :-), zresztą już jest na co patrzeć. Pozdrawiam

  12. Rohrerbot, over here the dry conditions at this time of year are part and parcel of our climate but it's always difficult when you see plants in distress.

    Sueb, I was getting a little cranky with the internet service but it looks like it's all sorted. Those seedlings in the pots with the Liliums are from the Cosmos seed packets I had lying around here for ages. It looks like most of them will survive.

    Diane, what a shame about your flowers being dug up. Luckily the brush turkeys here haven't yet found my Petunias. If you can find the Bonanza series, I would definitely recommend them.

    Laura, yes that unknown Begonia is a stunning sight with its white flowers and dark hairy foliage. That Lavender is a Lavandula dentata or what we call the Toothed French Lavender. It does surprisingly well in the heat and humidity here, as long as its potted.

    Flowerlady, we're not expecting rain until at least December now. Our dry season lasts for months, but we're used to it.

    Gardenwalk, I'm rather a fan of the Bumble Bee now. I also love the Vanilla Marigolds. They make a great pair.

    Thanks Karen.

    Alison, I'm not a big fan of most Petunias, but the Bonanzas will always have a spot at my place.

    Lona, the white-edged Petunias always draw comments. They are quite lovely.

    Karen, yes you're so right about the Bonanzas being dependable. That unknown Begonia is a fabulous sight through the kitchen window and it blooms for ages.

    Giga, our Spring is close now but it's not my favourite time of year. The great part of the year here is now almost over and the horrid heat and humidity will be back very soon.

  13. Bernie,

    I love the look of those Bonanza Petunias have not seen them here but I am going to look in my seed caralogs. Nothing looks parched but I am sure you are watering like crazy. There are some major hurricanes bearing down on the eastern and southern US, not my area this time. Supposedly, it is something that has not happened in six decades.


  14. Oh Bernie, those Bonanza Series Petunias are fabulous! (I have this narrow view of petunias - etched in my mind from childhood. You just blew it away.)

  15. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I particularly like those Bumble Bee petunias. My double impatiens did not do as well this year. I think they were getting too much sun.

  16. beautiful gardens...I love the inner shadows in some of the photos.


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