
Monday, August 22, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... My Hometown By The Sea

While I realise that Mary is taking a break from hosting the Mosaic Monday meme this week, I thought I'd use some mosaics in my post today anyway.  Over the past weekend I made a quick trip to my home town for a family do.  When your baby brother turns the big 50, you begin to realise you're not a spring chicken anymore!!  Anyway, it was a treat driving around my small home town and taking in the views once more.  It's a spot that's surrounded by coastline and the views are great.

There's nothing quite like standing on a high vantage point, gazing out over sparkling blue sea and sky, and having the cobwebs blown out of your head by a refreshing sea breeze!  I didn't want to leave.


  1. Beautiful, the sea is so blue. I can see why you wanted to stay.

  2. Beautiful pictures. And in a strange way the stringent nature of those black grids really emphasizes the shapes of the landscape.

  3. What a beautiful spot Bernie. The blue water is magnificent.

  4. Lovely photographs of a magical place. your friend from Long Island, Lori


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