
Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Flower Flaunt ... Spring Has Sprung!

September is our first month of Springtime Downunder and as if to celebrate, the first flower buds on my Callistemon 'Pink Champagne' have burst open.  I've been enjoying watching each individual bud unfold slowly along the long flower spray. 

I'm rather pleased with the colours.

In the background of the above shot, you can see just how dry our front yard is now.  There's a carpet of brown parched grass all around the house as our 'dry' season enters its fifth month.  Thankfully there's some colour in the tiered garden bed where this pretty Callistemon is growing.

The Salvia elegans is flowering once more.

This pretty Salvia splendens hybrid hasn't stopped flowering for months now and it complements the dwarf pink Euphorbia pulcherrima perfectly. 

The Dietes bicolor continues to throw out flowerheads, and you can see the fan-like flowers of the dwarf lilac Scaevola spreading like groundcover in this garden bed.

The tiny white flowers of the white Cuphea hyssopifolia are on display all year round here and provide much needed colour at this dry time of year.

The newly planted Rudbeckia continue to bloom ...

... as does this fabulous Verbena hybrid 'Burgundy Surprise'.  The colour just seems to be deepening as the plant matures.

The beautiful double blooms of the Petunia 'Bonanza Series' continue to please ...

...  as do the gorgeous flowers of this compact Torenia 'Violet Magic'.

The delightful little Sunbirds have been flitting about the place and sharing their beautiful song.

I've been seeing quite a few Spangled Drongos ...

... and a Pheasant Coucal appears to have moved into the fern gully down beside our driveway.

I'm joining the Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme today, so go over and visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time for more fantastic  posts.

To see lots of beautiful flowers form all around the world, I'd recommend popping to the Weekend Flowers meme as well.

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. Good Morning Bernie. Lovely to see so many beautiful colours in your garden. I love the colour of the Verbena Burgundy Surprise, and the Rudbeckia looks very pretty to. But you know me I just adore those little Torenias I just have to smile when I see them. It's nice to see so many birds back in your garden.Have a good weekend.

  2. Happy Spring! You have some beautiful color and delightful plants to welcome the Spring season.

  3. Beautiful blooms Bernie. Great bird photos too.

  4. Bernie,

    I am afraid my flowers are winding down as yours are winding up. I love the Salvias but most of those beautiful ones are not hardy in my area. I finally mastered the Torenia, needed more shade than I had given it in the past.


  5. Such beautiful flowers. We are currently in a drought here and Sept is starting to get close to fall although it will remain warm here until October. My flowers are looking rather sad even tho they are watered every day. Yours are gorgeous!

  6. Happy Spring to you Bernie. I love the little Sun Bird. The Torenia is so pretty. The blooms of your Callistemon are so fantastic with those airy blooms. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  7. Happy happy Spring Day!! Love your Birdies! Waiting for my Dietes to flower, but lotys of others are flowering already. I just planted some Cuphea - so glad I did - they look lovely in your garden :)

  8. You really have some unusual flowers that are very beautiful. I think I would love your growing conditions and climate.

  9. Thanks so much for linking up with all this wonderful flowers to WEF. They are so lovely :)

  10. Hi Bernie,
    beautiful photos and beautiful music, too! I wonder how frost hardy that bottlebrush is? Some are ok for my area and some aren't.

  11. Oh, it is so nice to see familiar plants blooming!

  12. Bernie, most of your Spring plants would be too tender for our Summer garden, they do look fantastic. We so often see the Callistemon in our garden centres and I don't know how often I try them but they just don't come through our Winters.

  13. Beautiful flowers in your garden. How lovely to be entering Spring as we enter Autumn *sigh*

  14. Most of your flowers are new to me but they are gorgeous!

    My share for today's flower, have a blessed Sunday!

  15. Fabulous flowers Bernie, and those beautiful birds are a lovely addition. Thanks so much!

  16. shared this to my tootsie facebook page!!!
    I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I am always excited to tour each post and see the different flowers/ projects and garden art that everyone flaunts. It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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