Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ... Sunbird.

I'm joining the Wordless Wednesday meme today.

Words about the Yellow-Bellied Sunbird here!



  1. Beautiful sunbird

  2. So beautiful! Plenty of them visit my garden too, but I have never been able to capture them in my camera:( Thanks for favouring me on Blotanical.

  3. Nice captures! I never seem to get a good a bird shot.

  4. Those are lovely shots of your gorgeous sunbird. How neat to have them visit your gardens.


  5. Beautiful bird! It must be nice to observe them.

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  7. Great shot! Such a beautiful looking bird

  8. I love seeing your birds. Ones that I have never saw before is so interesting Bernie. Look at that beak! LOL!

  9. Oh I can never get them to sit still for a photograph like you can. mmm maybe you are more patient than me! I love these little birds they add a wonderful dimension to the garden.

  10. Thank you so much everyone for all your lovely comments. I just had to post some photos of these lovely creatures as I've been seeing them and hearing them every day around here on my semester break. It's hard to get great shots of these birds as they are just so quick! I have to take loads of photos just to get a couple of decent ones.

  11. The birds are magical looking!


  12. What sort of camera did you use to take the pictures of the birds? I need a new camera and the one I have now just isn't good enough to capture the birds as clearly as you do. Thanks Lori at the Jarvis House. The white Iris is easily propagated.


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