
Monday, April 18, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... On Another Glorious Autumn Day.

These are the days, and nights, that making living in the tropics worthwhile.  It's another clear blue-sky day today and the living is easy after a hard start to the year.  Our daytime temperatures have finally fallen below that 30 deg C mark ... albeit by only a degree or two ... but it does make a difference.  The nights have started to become a little cooler, hinting at the soon-to-be 20 deg C winter nights that are approaching. 

I'm on a short mid-semester break and it's just wonderful to be able to spend time at home.  I can wander out into the garden areas at any time of the day now without getting fried from the heat or drenched by the rain. 

Yes, I do sometimes have to avoid some of the more unfriendly and unwelcome wildlife ... apparently they are also enjoying the weather!

But I also get to enjoy being around the welcome wildlife friends around here.

With the return of the brilliant sunshine, more and more flowers are appearing in the corners of my garden.

There's not much for me to do at the moment other than wander round and enjoy my garden.

For more fabulous Mosaic Monday posts from all corners of the globe, go and visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. What kind of bird is that? Kookaburra? *sorry I don't know*

    I am visiting from Mosaic Monday.

  2. Lovely photo's Bernie! Glad you've gotten a little break..and yes, I'd also like to know what kind of a bird that was :) Cheers, Jenni

  3. eeeeks, I was enjoying a nice virtual walk through your garden until I came to your unwelcome visitor!! How do you do it? I would be scared to death to walk out my door! Other wise, the mosaics are once again beautiful, I just love the sky one. Enjoy your time off. :)

  4. Hi Bernie!
    Love every bit of these mosaics from down unda...
    Your garden is absolutely the prettiest one I have seen lately. Gorgeous skies too.


  5. Gorgeous flowers - that orchid is stunning. I guess those unwelcome visitors are the price to pay for living in the tropics.

  6. Another stunning set of mosaics. ~
    Stunning skies, fabulous flours, cracking kookaburra,
    Scary snake. Your garden always brings joy to my morning.

  7. Bernie ~ Oh how good it is when we can just wander around our gardens. Yours are lovely as always. I love that bird, do NOT like the snake, even if he might be a good one. :-)


  8. Hi Bernie,

    The flowers, bird and even the snake all wonderful photos.

    Can you believe, we even had a little snow this morning, could use some of the tropics right now.


  9. The last shot is stunning. I love Mr Kookaburra but wary of Sammy the snake. Have a nice break enjoying your beautiful garden.

  10. Beautiful blooms Bernie. That snake made my skin crawl though. LOL! Your Strawflowers are so pretty.

  11. I love stepping into your world through your posts. Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful flowers & birds (not so fond of the snake! :)) in your part of the world.

    Just beautiful.


  12. What amazingly beautiful photos!!

  13. Ohmygosh Bernie, I love your photos. The frames are beautiful. Take care and have a wonderful break.

  14. How lovely to just wander around your garden... no work no chores, just enjoying it. I love the plant composition in that last photo. What a nice scene of a complex mix of shapes and colors and forms.

  15. You have a fabulous garden, full of flowers and wildlife, and your montages are a pleasure to see.

  16. Oh your straw flowers! I love them. I always like to see them from your blog. They are marvellous :-D

  17. Your garden is always lovely with lots of tropical flowers and your mosaics are so beautiful! I love the blue flower, the orchid and the straw flowers. Stunning photos Bernie!

  18. Your really do live in a tropical paradise, Bernie. I would take my time strolling around too. Nice layout.


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