
Friday, April 22, 2011

Flower Flaunt on Good Friday ... mid-Autumn Downunder.

Wishing all a Happy Easter!

For those who are wondering what on earth that strange looking chocolate animal is, here's a link to show you one of our unique Aussie animals and our native Australian Easter icon.

I'm on a week-long end-of-term break and enjoying every moment.  The weather has been fabulous.  Bright sunny blue-sky days, albeit getting shorter ... and lovely cool nights.  I'm out watering, weeding, feeding and just being in my garden and enjoying every moment.  Have I said that already?  Oh dear, I think it's called 'end of wet season euphoria!'

Here are some of the delightful sights in my garden right now.

This shot actually shows all the stages of the Bracteantha bracteata or Straw Flower from bud to fully open flower.  These are one of my all-time favourite flowers.  I love their texture, their form and their colours.

 The brilliant blue of Evolvulus pilosus or Blue Daze, always draws my attention.

Who could not notice the brilliant splash of colour of this Portulaca or Sun Jewel?

Now ... the flower in the top row is a recent purchase of mine and I'm just jumping for joy that I finally have one.  It's the stunning white Ginger ... Hedychium coronarium ... and the perfume emanating from this bloom is simply heavenly.  It may even be more divine than the scent of roses ... well that's my opinion anyway.

Middle row shows the fascinating bloom of my Curcuma 'Voodoo Magic' when splashed with sunshine or drenched in shadow.  The colour of the inflorescence and the tiny flower are simply beautiful.

The star of my Courtyard Garden right now is shown on the bottom row.  My Jasminum officinale is finally showing more than just the occasional flower these days.  I think it's enjoying all the sunshine.

Having my morning cuppa while strolling around the courtyard is a terrific start to the day.  There's bird song all around me and nothing else to spoil the peace and quiet.

The Angelonia angustifolia have started their wonderful display ...

... and one of the Snapdragons that was flowering so prolifically last year has suddenly burst into bloom.

I just adore the new foliage of my Trachelospermum jasminoides variegatum 'Tricolour', the dwarf variegated Star Jasmine ...

... and the pink blush on the new leaves of my dwarf variegated Bougainvillea.

There's fabulous foliage to enjoy as well.

It's a great time of year!

Join Tootsie at Tootsie Time for more Fertiliser/Flaunt Your Flowers Friday posts.


  1. Happy Easter Bernie. The white ginger is lovely as is the jasmin. You have lots of colour in your garden. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

  2. I also find it relaxing to take a morning virtual stroll with my cup of coffee through your gardens. You always surprise me with exotic flowers that I have never heard of. I would love to see the Voodoo Magic and White ginger!

    Guess its time for a trip to the Botanical Gardens in Chattanooga, Tn. and see what they have in bloom.

  3. Beautiful post today Bernie. Your plants are looking so lush and healthy. Would love to grow Jasmine but not warm enough here. Happy Easter to you. V

  4. Hi Bernie. THose yellow Strawflowers are so pretty. I love your Blue Daze plant.Such a pretty blue.

  5. I'm jealous of your weather and your week off Bernie. At least we get 5 days and I intend spending it all in the garden if it doesn't rain (The forecast isn't hopeful).
    Your garden is looking fantastic.

  6. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful and your garden lovely! Happy Easter to you and your family.

    CottonLady (from West Texas)

  7. Sue, I'm over the moon about finally finding the white Ginger. The perfume is amazing. Don't worry, I'm loving every minute of the break.

    Wanda ... Voodoo has gorgeous colours and definitely worth a close up look. If only you could get a whiff of the white Ginger, you would know why I love it so.

    Val, this is the first garden I've ever had with Jasmine growing and I'm so grateful it seems to love it here.

    Lona ... I love the Straw Flowers and wish they would grow for me all year round, but they really don't like our wet season.

    Missy, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get the glorious fine weather we've been having up here. I'm lucky enough to have the extra week as well as the long weekend, so there's plenty of time to be out in the garden. I hope you get the chance over this coming long weekend as well.

  8. Bernie,

    Everything is so beautiful. I imagine it is hard to believe what you went through such a short time ago. Nature certainly does repair itself.


  9. You sound so happy. Happy Easter!

    Great flowers and mosaics!

    I will get rid of those nasty watermelons as soon as they ripen. Thanks for the tip. :)

  10. Oh my what a beautiful place to take time to stroll and dream in!! What beautiful plants- so many that are so new to me but so lovely!!

  11. So, so the groupings/combinations in your courtyard.

  12. You will love retirement when you can do that everyday of the week. (If it is not raining)

  13. So nice for you to have some nice weather and the time to enjoy it after the lashings mother nature administered earlier this year! I really like the way you've framed and displayed your special blooms - love straw flowers too.

  14. Thanks for visiting Cottonlady. I'm really enjoying the colour at the moment.

    Eileen ... I think both the garden and I have gotten over that horrid start to the year. Hopefully, it will be a great gardening year from now on.

    One ... it's amazing what the return of sunny blue-sky days does to my spirits! Enjoy those tasty watermelons ... that's if the bugs don't eat through them all first!

    Mary Ellen ... so glad you could stop by and enjoy the blooms.

    Darla ... I will be moving some of the pots around very soon and mixing up the colour combinations. It's great to be able to change things around ... it feels like a brand new courtyard.

    Diane ... lol! You are so right! Even when it's raining I think I'd be out there then!

    Cyndy ... yes it's a great time right now and I'm enjoying it immensely!

  15. thanks for the chocolate Easter Bilby Bunny Bernie - and all your floral greetings. I've taken a virtual cutting of Blue Daze - hope you don't mind ;)

  16. WOW! Your garden is so beautiful and tropical looking. So pretty!

  17. It's lovely to come visit your garden again Bernie. It's beautiful. I have Snapdragons in my garden as I know my Dad loves them. I have only ever grown Statice from seed, but I love all kinds of paper flowers. Someday I hope to try more varieties. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. x

  18. Your garden is quite different than those around here. Very tropical and lush, with many plants we do not see here. It is always fun to meander through the pictures and linger over each blossom. Just wish I could do it in person! ~~Rhonda :)

  19. What a wonderful, lush, beautiful place your courtyard is for having a stroll and a cup of coffee or tea! I love the colors on that Portulaca. And all your foliage looks great too. Thanks for this glimpse of your tropical garden.

  20. Your courtyard is to die for!! Everything is so pretty ♥♥
    Wishing you and yours a wonderfully Happy Easter!

  21. You have the most marvelous garden. I think my favorite are the Straw Flowers also.. How nice it would be to sit in your courtyard and have a cup of tea....

  22. W Twoim ogrodzie jest tak inaczej niż u nas. Przede wszystkim rosną kwiaty, których u nas nie ma w ogrodzie. Jaśmin ma mocny, ale przyjemny zapach. Niech Ci pięknie rośnie i pachnie. Wesołych Świat i pozdrawiam

  23. Bernie .. it's another wonderful post of your beautiful blooms! Portulaca is going to be my guilty pleasure 'Annual' this summer - since I'm mostly going to be planting perennials!

  24. This is my first visit to your blog and I love it already. I can't wait to read more!

  25. Happy Easter Bernie! You have a very happy garden with lots of blooms everywhere! Simply love them all esp. your new addition the white ginger flowers,so delicate with such sweet fragrance! Love all your lovely mosaics, Im fascinated by your creativity, wish I could do that! Enjoy your long break!

  26. Your garden is fabulous, remarkably revived despite the storms and destruction. How do you do it? The photos of the Jasmine varieties are lovely. Glad that everything looks beautiful, and reflects all of the work that must have gone into it. Cheers Lori

  27. Happy Easter. I was drooling over your butterfly ginger. I had it at my old house and the smell was heavenly to me. It didn't bloom here until you are quite a bit ahead of us.

  28. Beautiful flowers, most of them I haven't seen for real yet. They are all gorgeous! Been busy for Easter. Sorry for my late visit but my post is not late :) Hope you can visit my Fertilizer Friday here.

  29. Lovely post! I ca not get over how beautiful your flowers look. Your garden must be amazing.

  30. Compiling all of this flower information makes for a really useful reference as well.


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