
Monday, April 11, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... A Welcome Return To Bright Sunny Autumn Days!

Oh what a difference a week makes ... It's simply glorious!  You might remember in my last Mosaic Monday post, I was bemoaning what seemed like the longest ever 'wet' season.  If we do see a 'wet' season here, and until around two years ago, they were scarce, it would last maybe a month or two.  This one was into its' fourth month and the garden was in monsoon season survival mode!

Well, our treasured friend the sun has returned and has booted out those gloomy grey clouds!  That golden orb has hung around for six days now ... whoohoooo!   This is the Autumn weather we're used to!
Bright, clear, sunny, blue-sky days.

It's a pleasure to see the sunlight lighting up the garden ...

and brightening up our world once more.

It's hard to describe just how wonderful it is to come out of a wickedly long gloomy 'wet' season, but I can truly say I'm looking forward to the 'dry' this year.  It's the best time for gardening here in my corner of the world .. suddenly there's a sparkle in my eye and a spring in my step.

Please visit Mary at Little Red House for some fabulous Mosaic Monday posts.


  1. Wow, Bernie beautiful mosaics. The pictures in each are fabulous. I am glad you have sunshine. Enjoy your week.

  2. Bernie, you always have the most wonderful photos, and yes we are also enjoying the sunshine and the cooler weather. are those white flowers begonias? beautiful photo!

  3. Your garden is looking beautiful!

  4. Isn't it amazing how working in the garden around all the beautiful flowers can brighten your day and make you feel refreshed all over!!

    You have a very beautiful garden. Is that a dragonfly in the mosaic?

  5. Jen ... it's been fantastic seeing sunshine all day long! It's really lifting my spirits.

    Gillian ... isn't the sunshine glorious? The temps here haven't dropped too much just yet, but we have had the occasional cooler day and I know that cooler weather is not far off now. Yes, those white flowers are the blooms of one of my Wax Begonias.

    Thanks Lotusleaf.

    Wanda ... it's just heaven to be able to stroll around the garden without getting drenched and everything seems to be so much brighter. That is a dragonfly in the centre of the mosaic ... there have been loads of them flying around in the last couple of weeks, but they're hard to capture in a photo.

  6. beautiful mosaics from your garden Bernie. Amazing how much rain you have had whereas in the South West corner of WA where I am we had 72 days without rain! We have had a few showers this morning which is lovely.

  7. Your garden looks amazing Bernie. Happy Gardening to you. V

  8. Hi Bernie,

    I am so glad you are finally getting some of that great weather you deserve. Enjoy all of those beautiful blooms.


  9. Bernie, enjoy the sunshine. your blooms and the blue skies are gorgeous. happy Monday!

  10. I am so happy for you to see the sun again! There is nothing lovelier after days of rain than the beautiful glow of the sun. We are appreciating it here too, in Edmonton Alberta, after a long snowfilled winter. The snow is gradually melting and I can actually see some grass now! :) Have a terrific week.

  11. Hi! Love the mosaics-- especially the bulletin board.

    One of the co-bloggers on my bookblog lives in S Queensland and she says the gardening is challenging there too-- she can't even grow squash.

    Have fun in the garden! It is just about time to plant my summer garden-- can't wait!

  12. Hello. See the sun after a cloudy and wet weather and go out into the beautiful garden, where even the dragonfly frufajÄ…, is a joy. We unfortunately returned to work hard to even cold in the garden. I cordially greet

  13. Your photos are amazing and your collages are unique. It's such a joy to see such beauties here. The last one looks magical.

  14. Hi Bernie, thank you for visiting my blog again! Your garden is looking amazing, some really gorgeous plants! xx

  15. Lovely photos of your Autumn's display. We get a lot of rain here on Long Island too, but I garden outside even when it is raining, maybe not when it is pouring, but we have really green grass and a lot of flowers. Water is the most precious comodity on earth, more valuable than oil or gold. Be glad for the rain, in many countries there is so little.

  16. Such beautiful mosaic of bright blue sky on your cute bulletin board! You have such lovely flowers and foliage in your garden.We are still having our wet season, raining almost everyday.

  17. Sweet photos, Bernie! Great post.

  18. Lovely to visit and see all that you have blooming in autumn, as we wait for things to warm up to real spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. Love your mosaic work, too.

  19. Bernie, your photos are truly beautiful and what glorious subjects you have to photograph! Your garden is looking wonderful and I'm so happy to hear you're seeing blue skies in place of the gloomy greys. They're such a spirit lifter, aren't they?
    The white begonia are so lovely and that last photo looks like a tropical paradise.
    Happy autumn gardening!


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