
Monday, November 15, 2010

It's the end of Spring Downunder - a mosiac Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day post for November

November here has turned out to be pretty dreary so far ... with forecasts of lots more dreary!!  So many dull, grey rainy days ... with the occasional glimpse of blue sky and sunshine!

It's our last month of Spring here in Oz and right now in my north-eastern garden there's quite a bit in bloom.  We've been having a most unusual wet 'dry' season ... which most plants have loved ... and the flowers and fruit have attracted some lovely visitors.  Above you can see the Red-tailed Black Cockatoos feasting on the new flower buds of the Cadaghi Gum and below you can see the Rainbow Lorikeet munching happily on the beautiful Eucalyptus flowers.

Out in the Courtyard Garden the Salvia splendens are coming to the end of their time for this year ...

... but the Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' is taking off once more.

The Ixora 'Twilight Glow' is putting on a splendid display ...

... and the white Jacobinia carnea, also known as Justicea carnea, bursts forth with its fabulous white plumes every few weeks.

The pink Jacobinia, out in an outdoor garden bed, is also showing its pretty plumes ...

... and in that same bed are the gorgeous golden Torenias ...

... the dark pink Mandevilla ...

... and the Angelonia serena, which much prefers hot and dry but it's managing to hold up pretty well.

The Portulacas need sunshine to show their faces, so you have to be quick to spot the gorgeous flowers.

The Hemerocallis are knocking themselves out ...

... and the Plumeria is covered in buds.

 Meanwhile, in the Shadehouse Garden, my great shade lover Costus productus is showing off once more ...

... and the New Guinea Impatiens certainly brightens up the place.

Today I'm joining in Mary's meme 'Mosaic Monday', so please pop over and visit her blog Little Red House

 I'm also joining in Carol's meme 'Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day', so make sure you visit her at May Dreams Gardens


  1. That's a great shot of the black cockatoos Bernie. Love your white Jacobinia/Justica too. I have the pink which is covered in blooms at the moment, but the white is more striking.

  2. Gorgeous plants, some of which I'd never even heard of. I love the photos of the birds.

  3. Good Morning Bernie ~ Lovely to see such gorgeous colour on another dreary Monday Morning! It's cold and wet today but I know I can count on you to bring sunshine to my day with your wonderful flowers. Lovely Torenias. I must send for dome more seeds!
    Sue :0)x

  4. What wonderful pictures of blooms and critters. Some I've never heard of.

    Happy Summer Gardening to you ~ FlowerLady

  5. What a beautiful rainbow!!! And as always your pictures of the foliage is just exquisite! Have a grand day! Cathy

  6. Hope you'll have better weather soon! Lovely mosaics and photos. I really do like your daylilies.

  7. Bernie, everything looks so wonderful. It seems like so long ago that I had this kind of color in my garden. We have some long winter months to get there again. I will just have to keep checking in with you to get my gardening fix!


  8. The rainbow is magical. How nice to have such colourful cheerful coockatoos visit your garden. Your have so many gorgeous blooms today!

  9. What happened to my comment. Dreary looking sky indeed, beautiful blooms and how wonderful to have such colorful birds in the wild.

  10. You have some really gorgeous images and blooms. I would love to have Lorikeets in my garden. I have a cockatoo from your country, and had him for 25 years. But, he can not go out to the garden anymore, the neighbors don't like hearing him three blocks away. LOL.

  11. Beautiful! I love seeing what's blooming in your part of the world.

  12. Bernie, You have so much flowering - just beautiful. That salvia B&B seems to be popular in all corners of the world!

  13. I loved seeing the cockatoos....they are something else. That second shot is lovely. As always the colors of your flowers and their blooms are beautiful as always. I have already forgotten what spring is like now that cold weather has set in. Hope you have a happy week down under.

  14. Oh my, I have to try hard not to be envious. Lorikeets and cockatoos! Those plumerias too are wonderful. What a great feeling to see them break dormancy! And blooming! Mine were rendered bloomless by that freak freeze last winter. Your golden Torenia is so beautiful. I've never seen that color. How lucky you are to see daylilies in bloom right now. I miss mine....

  15. What pretty birds you have. It's strange to me to see many of the same flowers growing in your garden as in mine, half a world away. Your spring garden is very lovely.

  16. What a treat for the sun-starved among us, to open your post and see all the beautiful colour! Tonight the wind is howling at 90 km an hour and I can hear branches coming down onto the roof. Not a night to be out and about.

  17. Missy ... I'm a bit of a fan of white in the garden and have been building up a little collection.

    Mac ... there's always an assortment of birds around here, but sometimes hard to capture as the trees are all so tall!!!

    Hi Sue ... oh dear sounds like the deep dark Winter is on its way over there. Cheer yourself up and get lots and lots of those Torenia seeds, lol!

    Thanks for popping in, Flowerlady.

    Cathy ... we've been seeing quite a few rainbows lately with all the drizzly rain we've been receiving, but they're always a fabulous sight.

    Ingmarie, thanks for your kind comment. I'm becoming a big fan of Daylilies now.

  18. Eileen ... if the predicted wet season arrives this Summer I may not have too many photos to share, but I'll do my very best.

    Autumn Belle, those Cockatoos have been around for many weeks now but they're always at the top of the very tall trees here. It's hard to get a great close-up shot of them.

    Darla ... the blue sky pops in every now and then just to tease us! It has been quite dreary around here for a while now. Not the usual for us.

    Gardenwalk ... I had to chuckle. I can just imagine how the neighbours would complain about the noise ... the Cockatoos would wake the dead!

    Ginny, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Come again soon.

    Cyndy ... I'm lucky to be still enjoying all the colour at the moment. That B&B Salvia is a new one for me so I'm looking forward to seeing it mature.

  19. Genie ... those Cockatoos have been a regular sight here now for a couple of months. You can hear their raucous noise a mile away ... they're hard to miss!

    Floridagirl ... you can always pop in to visit and enjoy the blooms while you wait for yours to return. That golden Torenia was a new release here last year so maybe it will turn up there very soon.

    Pam ... thank you so much for visiting and leaving your kind comment. I am very lucky to be able to see a lot of fabulous birdlife here.

    Pondside ... stay safe and warm! Sounds like awful weather for you ... I'm glad my post cheered you up.

  20. wow Bernie what a colour - you even have daylillies in flower just now! Those costus look very interesting - I've never heard of those before.

  21. Waw, the pictures that you have here are gorgeous! so colorful, spring is here!, like where i live :)i loved it!

  22. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing your spring garden. It's wonderful therapy for this northern hemisphere gardener. Our colors are decidely more muted in their shades of brown and gray.

  23. Lovely pictures of plants that I have never seen. What a fantastic contrast to the plants that I have come to know on Long Island. Cheers to you for maintaining all these beauties. Loved looking at the garden down under.

  24. Your garden is lovely and there is so much variety. If I had to pick favourites, I love the white jacobinia, the yellow torenia--I think I have only seen purple/blue ones previously--and the little two-toned portulaca, so pretty.


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