
Friday, November 12, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - end-of-Spring in Oz.

November is the beginning of the end for us here ... the end of Spring that is.  Summer is creeping closer and closer and the increasing heat, humidity and the arrival of more rain is certainly having an effect on the garden.  After reporting that the weather had fined up finally in my last Flower Flaunt Friday post ... Flower Flaunt on Friday - mid-Spring Downunder, today is yet another dreary drizzly November day in a string of rainy days over the last fortnight.  This year's 'dry' season has turned out to be a rather wet 'dry'!!!

Plants like the Pelargoniums are not doing all that well any longer ... nowhere near enough sunshine for them and they're not liking the rain or the humidity!  There's fewer blooms on them at the moment.

Strangely, the potted Azaleas out in the courtyard are throwing up a few flowers here and there.  That's rather unexpected for my garden.

Out around the yard I have two Lagerstroemia speciosa - Queen's Myrtles - that are beginning to bloom ... they will continue to flower through early Summer.

Hemerocallis - Daylilies - continue to bloom.  They're providing lovely splashes of vibrant colour right now.

Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Me Crazy'

Hemerocallis 'Francois Verhaert'

Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'

Hemerocallis 'Sabine Baur'

My Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' ... also known as 'Queen Sirikit'  ... has begun to bloom again and providing a great show with its pink bracts and small yellow star-shaped flowers.

Lastly, I thought I'd share the flowers on my Costus productus - Spiral Ginger - which is showing off in the shadehouse once more.

For many more great Flaunt Your Flowers Friday/Fertiliser Friday posts, go on over to visit Tootsie at


  1. Bernie, right now with everything dying here your garden looks great to me. We have had unusually warm weather for November but next week is supposedd to turn colder. You know I like daylies, so yours are a special treat.


  2. Hi Bernie: When we have nothing left it is wonderful to look at your beautiful flowers.

  3. Bernie...It was SO good hearing from you today. Have been thinking about you a lot and fretting because I have not had the time to sit down and work out mosaics of the different things I love. Please forgive me. Also, I am so put out with myself for leaving out Australia in my post today about Daddy and WWI. I remembered Canada and the United Kingdom, but slipped up on your Australia. I need to go in a correct that post and add you all on. Your pink azalea is so pretty. I had many, but only one survived all the months of ice and snow last sad. The day lilies are least I think they are day lilies.

  4. Eileen ... our rather warm weather is approaching fast but the showers of rain have helped break it in gently.

    Valerie ... thanks for dropping by.

    Thanks J Bar.

  5. Bernie, if you could only know how welcome your flowers are for me right now, you'd be surprised. They are so beautiful, and the thought that you are having warm weather helps me face the coming snow. Just looking at your photos warms my heart.

  6. Your flowers are very beautiful. I liked your daylilies- it is difficult to make them bloom here. Or , perhaps I don't know the trick:(

  7. Hi Bernie, Lovely to see your Mussaenda back in bloom. We have had a night of very high winds in some parts of the country gusts of 90 miles an hour. Seeing your lovely flower s is a real smile maker. Have a great weekend
    Sue :0)x

  8. You have such exquisite flowers!!! Simply beautiful! Have a grand weekend, Bernie! Cathy

  9. Gorgeous blooms!!! Love all of your colorful flowers!!!!

  10. Bernie, the Spiral Ginger ..... is SO cool! Love your photos!!

    We had another great 60F degree day with sunshine and promise - even better since I took the day off of work! My Pink Guara continue to hold their blooms (and they sit right outside the window next to the computer), which makes me smile! Have a great weekend! :D

  11. Hi, lovely collection of Hemerocallis and pelargonium you have there. Wonderful sight an exchange for a cold rainy day here in our place.

  12. So fun visiting a Queensland garden! Lovely! Fabulous variety and color!

  13. Spring is such a nice season with beautiful flowers blooming well in your garden.

  14. Hi Bernie. It is wonderful to see lilies blooming again.Your Bangkok Rose is so beautiful.Your pelargoniums look pretty to me.The double blooms have become a favorite of mine. The pink one with the deep rose eye is a very pretty one. What a wonderful image of the rain clouds coming down over the hills. Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Thank you Deb.

    Karen ... I'm very pleased my photos could brighten your day. You're most welcome to pop in anytime over your Winter.

    Lotusleaf ... I have had no trouble at all getting the Daylilies to bloom and I haven't done anything for them other than planting them in the ground! I'm not sure why they don't work for you.

    Sue ... hope those high winds didn't do any damage to your garden. You stay snug inside!

    Cathy ... thanks for your visit and comment.

  16. Now the season are keeping on change and hence there is no need to worry about these types of things and hence autumn season is everyone favorite's.


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