
Friday, November 19, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - as Spring draws to a close.

Here we are, it's time for Flaunt Your Flowers/Fertiliser Friday ... and what a dismal day it is here!  We've had more rain, thunderstorms and practically no sunshine for quite some time.  I find myself wishing for and dreaming of our usual bright, sunny Spring days once more.

Some plants are suffering ... as these are not the usual weather conditions here at this time of year ... but not the Plumeria.  It's showing off some lovely flowers.  I just had to include a shot of the petals from the back as well ... it's such a pretty sight.

One thing that is still putting on a show are my Hemerocallis - Daylilies.  However, I've had a surprise this year.  The latest bloom is supposed to be Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'.  This is the bloom that opened up a week ago on the plant ... as it did last year.

However, this week, the plant has thrown up flowers that look like this ...

... it's from the same plant, so my question is ... huh?  There are a couple of flower spikes on this plant, so I'm looking forward to seeing what blooms next.

Elsewhere, around the garden:
Dypsis lutescens - Golden Cane Palm in flower

variegated New Guinea Impatiens



Murraya paniculata, or what we call Mock Orange

Osteospurmum ecklonis

Finally, the Marigolds ... they are craving some decent sunlight.

Around the property and out in the bushland, there are Eucalyptus trees in flower ...

 ...and some of them are attracting quite a bit of birdlife.

Spot the Rainbow Lorikeet!

The beautiful Pale-Headed Rosella ... sorry the photo is not all that clear.  They were a little way off and it was a very dreary day.

The Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet ... the only Lorikeet with a completely green head!

 I swear this fellow was just showing off for the camera!!!

For more Fertiliser Friday posts, pop over to visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time


I'm also joining in Katarina's meme Blooming Friday  Do make sure you visit and have a look at more wonderful posts for this Friday.


  1. Bernie, Thank you for the beautiful flower and feathered friend show. So welcome today as we had snow showers here. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  2. Wow, once again I'm in awe of your lovely blooms and birds. Thanks for the wonderful picture tour.
    Hope your weather clears up for you soon. Wish we would get some of your rain.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Wow, that daylily is something! I wonder if it could be a virus that causes this mutation? Many of your everyday plants are what we are seeing for our holiday decorating. The girl at the nursery said many of the container embellishments are now tropical.


  4. Jennifer ... I can't even imagine snow showers! We've had so many showers of rain that we're all getting a bit sick of it ... which doesn't bode well as the 'wet' season approaches!

    Flowerlady ... with our Summer comes the 'wet' season so the rain is expected to keep up for some time yet. It's been a most unusual year of weather for us.

    Eileen ... I was actually thinking the same thing, that it might be a virus. I'm not all that displeased with the flower, but I don't want to lost poor old Bela!

  5. Hi Bernie... lovely photos... it must be nice to have something to post on this time of the year... something in bloom that is! For myself, I am left to freshen up some older posts... after all, we are in our dry season (flowers all dried up from freezing that is!)... Larry

  6. You live in another colourful world! Here it is grey, foggy and dull this time of the year. But the first tulips are in here in the shops and the Christmas flowers..... Have a nice weekend.

  7. LC ... yes we're so lucky that we have blooms somewhere in the garden pretty much all year round. Of course as Summer approaches, things are starting to wind down.

    Ingmarie ... I'm so glad my photos could brighten your day. Sounds like you'll be taking some of those lovely shop flowers home.

  8. Came home from work right now, a cold and snowy day in the beginning of winter. It really warms me to see all your coulourfull photoes, even the birds 'over there' are spectacular compeared to ours, thank you for bringing some warmth inte my frozen body :)

  9. Ljuvligt, as a dream

  10. Hi Bernie, this is just what I needed on this otherwise gray November Day. Thank you for sharing these wonderful flowers and music with us.

    Tyra from Tyra's Garden

  11. Your blooms look amazing! and is so nice you got so many colorful birds.
    I wonder why that plant got two different flowers, nature is quite a mystery

  12. Those are the coolest birds to see in your backyard! Wow! I always long for rain and clouds in our brutally hot and dry spring season. That daylily bloom is really weird. I have one that occasionally throws off polytepalous blooms, but I've never seen a bloom with different colors. I have to say, though, that is beautiful coloring! I think I like it better than the original.

  13. Bernie: Another WOW from me! Those Birds pictures are amazing! You are lucky to have such a beautiful nature right on your property. Love that Daylilly surprise, will it be cool to have two different flowers on the same plant? Both flowers are gorgeous! That Plumeria looks beautiful, and I almost can smell its lovely scent through the screen. I have one that has white flower with yellow center.

  14. How many different flowers you have, I am always amazed. And I agree with you on the daylily bloom...huh? but it's gorgeous! Even the birds in your garden are stunning..not the plain little drab things we have here. I am so glad to be able to tour your gardens!

  15. Wow! Bernie you live in a paradise. Your birds!!! Beautiful!! Have a lovely weekend. ;>)

  16. Thanks for sharing all thoose beautiful flowers.

    Have a nice weekend


  17. Wow fantastic shots! These birds we only see in cages in Sweden :)

  18. Mia ... I'm happy that I can brighten your day with my photos. I do hope your Winter is not too harsh.

    Thanks for visiting Anki.

    Tyra ... you're most welcome and thanks so much for popping in and leaving your kind comment.

    Fer ... I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more blooms on that Daylily.

    Floridagirl ... yes I know I shouldn't complain about the rain really. We're usually so dry for most of the year. I guess when you're used to the dry and you choose plants for the dry, it gets a bit annoying when there is unexpected rain.

    Ami ... I have to walk under the Plumeria every day when I get home from work. There's nothing quite like it as the perfume wafts through the air.

    Karen ... yes I've been working on building up the number of flowering plants I have. I like a bit of colour.

    Thanks Carol ... it looks like another dreary rainy weekend without sunshine.

    Gunilla ... thanks for your lovely comment.

    Monica ... we're so lucky to be able to see these fabulous birds in the wild just doing their thing.

  19. Wow I love to look at your flowers and the oh so colourful birds. I am a fan of daylilies and yours was spectacular. I think the new buds are sports. Better call them Bernie's Daylily.

  20. Lol! Thanks Val, maybe Bush Bernie's Beauty!

  21. Hi, beautiful pictures.. great colors. i really liked..

  22. Such gorgeous flowers, and birds too! I'm so envious that you can grow plumerias in your area - I just love their fragrance. I would need a greenhouse to grow them as our occasionally frosty winters are not to their liking.

  23. Hi Bernie; a lovely flowering post for the end of spring. I adored the frangi pani as soon as I set foot on Australian soil and saw them. I have never seen the golden cane flowering. The flowers look spectacular. I do adore all the birds, especially the pale headed Rosellas which come to feed into your garden. The flowering eucalyptus are such an asset. I have planted many in my wild garden, because we do not want to mow it anymore. The daylily's mutation is interesting. I love daylilies, I add every year a few more. At the moment I am into "spider DL."
    If you like them I can always send you some shoots.(I like to share! I write you an e-mail when it is time) Winter is the best time. Mine are mainly evergreen or semi evergreens which fit the tropical climate. Some
    are more prolific and make beautiful clumps.
    My neighbour Miss V. and I share plants over the fence! The rain keeps the garden so fresh and growing it nearly explodes at the seams. I have
    work with culling the ferns! Happy days! T.

  24. Your exotic birds and blooms are gorgeous. Hope you get some sunshine soon!

  25. gorgeous blooms! I can't believe you get to see those beautiful birds in the wild!

  26. G'Day Bernie, I am having a lovely sticky beak around your garden and blogs. You have so much wonderful stuff in here. Btw, you might like my bloging friend's page, she goes by the name Bimbimbee and is listed in my side bar. She is into birds, as the name suggests, and has a nice block of land where she observes the seasons and wildlife.


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