
Friday, August 20, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday ... last month of Winter.

Yet another strange Winter's day here ... we've had another light shower of rain (way out of the ordinary) and the temps have now soared close to the 30 degrees C ... today the expected high is 29 deg C but with humidity levels already around 78%, it will feel like 30!!!

Around the garden today-
...  Pelargonium

... Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

...  Snapdragons
... more Snapdragons
...  Anthurium
...  Gazania
...  Duranta repens
...  Neomarica longifolia (Yellow Walking Iris)
...  Pentas
...  Salvia splendens
... the last bracts of the Euphorbia leucocephala (Snowflake Bush)
... the fruit of the Dypsis lutescens (Golden Cane Palm)
... the buds of Corymbia torelliana (Cadaghi Gum tree)
...   double Impatiens walleriana.

... Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Roseflake'.

Now some of the great foliage plants ... after the shower! 

Top to bottom:  Cordyline 'Red Wings' and Aralia, Cordyline fruticosa 'Morning Sunshine', Croton 'Zanzibar' and Dracena marginata 'Tricolour'.

I'm joining in Tootsies's Flaunt Your Flowers/Fertiliser Friday meme ...  so please pop on on over to visit other great posts:


  1. Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers!!

  2. So nice to have had a look at the flowers of your garden. However the heat have a good weekend!

  3. your garden is a feast for the eyes. The purple anthurium is very rare.

  4. Ewww, Ahhh. Hi Bernie. Oh, I love so many of your gorgeous flowers. The Hibiscus Rosa is just a beauty and so is the Anthurium. I want your Duranta. LOL! It is gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Bernie, I think we have had your summer this year! Your plants look so lush and beautiful. That variegated Cordyline looks great - I have the red one which is not quite as interesting.


  6. Oh, your landscaping designs and flowers are delightful! I particularly loved the hibiscus. Another treat was the new-to-me double Impatiens walleriana. When I first saw them, I thought they were one of my favorites, Camellias. How fun to discover they were just as pretty, but something new and novel. I'll have to check our Kentucky gardening book and see how well they would do here. Thanks for a lovely visit. :)

  7. aloha bernie,

    lots of lovely blooms in your garden today, i actually love your dual color pelargonium...very striking!

  8. Your plants look pretty perky for all the heat you are experiencing. Loved the hibiscus.

  9. Love all the flowers! That anthurium color is very unique, I only saw red one before. I really love all those foliage plants after the shower, very pretty!

  10. Wow, so many beautiful blooms and lovely foliage. The water droplets on the leaves make them look fresh and vibrant Roseflake is a very nice name for a hibiscus. I'm glad I have this in my garden too :)

  11. Thanks everyone for taking the time to add a comment.

    Dragonfly Treasure ... nice to meet a new visitor. I'm glad you enjoyed a sneak peek at a few of the winter bloomers.

    Anja ... the heat has continued, but luckily the humidity level has dropped and it's been an overcast Saturday here. I've been out enjoying the garden!

    Kim ... nice to see another new visitor. Thanks for dropping by!

    Lotusleaf ... I only have a couple of Anthuriums, mainly because I really don't like the red one so that limits the number I have! The reds are very, very common here.

    Lona ... if only you lived close by you could have lots of Duranta ... I've got quite a few of them and they strike very easily!!!!

    Hi Eileen ... that Dracaena is very, very old now! I've got two of them and they've survived in small clay pots for so many years now that I daren't re-pot them! They seem so happy, lol.

    Aaron ... thanks for your comments ... so many of these would probably grow in your area if only you could find them.

    Kaye ... hello to another new visitor. Those double Impatiens are quite common here ... I have two different ones at the moment ... unfortunately the one I had with the variegated leaves was attacked by mealy bugs and never recovered.

    Noel ... that Pelargonium is a new one for me this year and I just love it. It is quite striking and I'm looking forward to it becoming a much larger plant.

    Gardening in a Sandbox ... the heat here is about to rise considerably as Spring is just around the corner. It becomes tougher for the plants in the Spring and then they have to contend with the horrid Summer!!!

    Ami ... I've never had a red Anthurium because I'm just not a big fan of them. They are very common, but have never appealed to me. I'd much rather have other colours.

    Autumn Belle ... I so appreciate your gracious comments. It makes me happy to know you've enjoyed viewing some of the lovely flowers out in my garden right now. Yes we call that particular Hibiscus the 'Roseflake' because of the red in the variegated leaves.

  12. Bernie you have such a rich and vibrant array of winter flowers unlike a winter garden in the UK. I love the moisture droplets on your ti plant - its a favourite houseplant of mine.

  13. That sure doesn't look like winter :-) Everything looks beautiful and lush. Love the hibiscus!

  14. All of it is so pretty. I have the white walking iris.

  15. Hi Bernieh, a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns to delight the senses. Everything looks so fresh and tidy. I have just started to grow again hanging ivy geraniums and also the old fashioned zonals. The red and white one looks gorgeous;everything looks gorgeous!
    thank you for being first and kind comment on my new blog. I would like to send you a little presi for that. Is there a way to contact you?

  16. BERNIE!!!! what a great flaunt this week!!! Your photos are outstanding...and your blooms are gorgeous!!! I am so glad you linked in today!

  17. Thanks for showing all your lovely plants :-D The anthurium is awesome. I have one Dracena marginata that I find it difficult to mark a permanent spot for it. But I love its spiky foliage and for you I can see that it has certainly made a great addition to your garden. Have a great day!


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