
Monday, August 16, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... A Garden Blogger's End-of-Winter Bloom Day

It's August and the last month of our Winter in my Downunder garden.  August has been a little cooler ... with just a couple of very cool mornings to remind us that it is our Winter ... and there's been a welcome return of bright, cheery, blue-sky sunny days!

I'm joining in Mary's Mosaic Monday meme and, for the first time, Carol's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - August meme.  Make sure you click on these links and visit some other fabulous posts for these memes.

Over the weekend just gone, I spent a bit of time trimming back lots of the potted annuals ... they had already had their first rush of blooms and were getting quite leggy, so it was time to trim back ready for their next show over our Spring.  Before I gave them all haircuts, though, I remembered to take some photos to share.

So let's look at some of the lovely annuals before they had their new 'do!  Cheerful little pansies and violas ...
... and pleasing Petunia blooms.

The Pelargoniums are gearing up for their Spring display  ...

 ... and the Salvia splendens are looking fabulous!

Now I've added a Smilebox presentation to show off some of the other wonderful blooms out in my end-of-Winter garden.  Please make sure you stop the Playlist on the sidebar ... over to the right ... as there's music on the Smilebox to enjoy!

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
Create your own photo album - Powered by Smilebox
Photo album made with Smilebox


  1. I love, love, LOVE seeing your colder weather plants in pictures right now. Almost makes me forget the never ending sweltering heat of the summer. Was it really only 5 short months ago that I was begging for summer? Now I'm wishing so hard for a chilly fall breeze...

  2. HI Bernie, it is great to see another Downunder member in the Mosiacs. it sure has been a strange winter over here in the West. It looks like you have some beautiful colour in your garden. Jill

  3. The mosaics are so colorful, I like all the different petunias. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Bernie, you have some very lovely annuals pictured here...the pansies and petunias are lovely and the salvia is great for attracting hummingbirds.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes from "down under"...I checked out your other blog and am amazed at the beautiful fabulous garden areas seen from inside your home...thanks for the peek into your surroundings.

  5. You have some great annuals in bloom at the moment Bernie - beautiful mosaics -- and thanks for the advice with the meme - Hopefully I've done it right.

  6. It's fascinating that your late winter blooms are similar to some that the northern hemisphere is celebrating in its bloomday posts. You're having a lovely August.

  7. Hi Bernie

    What a lot of lovely colour, great mosaics!! I love the smile box although I had two pieces of music competing against each other!!Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. Jackie in UK.

  8. Beautiful annuals. I love that holder made of twigs for the pansies.

  9. Thanks everyone for your gracious comments.

    Kyna ... I can understand very well how the heat can wear you down!

    Jill ... thanks for visiting ... it is very nice to meet another Aussie blogger.

    Garden of Threads ... can't do without my Petunias. Love the oldies!

    Lenore ... the Salvias here attract mostly bees and butterflies ... no hummingbirds here and even the common Sunbirds don't really find them all that attractive.

    Thanks Bobby ... I do love the old-fashioned annuals.

    Missy ... only too glad to help.

    James ... yes our August has been terrific so far, but the temps are rising!

    Jackie ... sorry you had such a blast of music. Glad you enjoyed the Smilebox anyway.

    Aaron ... what a shame you can't get pansies, pelargoniums and violas there. I just love the colour they add to the garden.

    Lotusleaf ... those little hanging baskets are just great and they do look so good hanging on the latticework.

  10. Bernie its lovely to see little cheerful pansies and violas gracing one of your mosaics - they are such little favourites of mine with all their lovely little faces. I'll be planting some soon for autumn colour.

    Smilebox - I haven't used one of those since last Christmas - you're spoilt for choice on that site for which theme to go with. My internet is so slow today Bernie its loaded the smilebox but I'm still waiting to hit the play button. I so much want to see what you have in there I'll leave it a little while longer to load. :) Rosie

  11. Bernie it opened just as I published my last comment - lovely photos in there too and I like those wicker hanging baskets attached to your pristine white fence. :) Rosie

  12. How delightful it has been to visit your "garden." Wishing you a grand week! Cathy

  13. many beautiful flowers and pretty colors!

  14. Your winter annuals are popular in our winters here, especially those violas and pansies and petunias. You do have a great number of happy winter blooms. So pretty!

  15. Bernie, your flowers are lovely! I really like that Smilebox feature. I am assuming that your spring starts to heat up?


  16. So lovely to see spring blooms again. Our summer flowers are reaching the end, and dahlias are just beginning.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers!

  17. Bernie: You have so many beautiful flowers in your winter garden! Love you different kinds of Petunia, most of them I have never seen, especially those double layerd ones and the stripped ones. Did you get them from the seeds?

    I am sure they will look even more beautiful after a good hair-cut :)

  18. Hi Bernie... love all your flowers, including and especially the pansies... wow. I'm wondering about the ivy geraniums... how do they hold up when things get warm(hot)? If they do in fact hold up, what series are they? Thanks, Larry

  19. Rosie ... I'm a big fan of pansies too, although I do so love Violas!

    Cathy ... nice to see you!

    Icy BC and Floridagirl ... thanks!

    Eileen ... yes Springtime is the start of the hot time of year here. About the only difference between Spring and Summer is the level of humidity!!!

    Wendy ... we're lucky to be able to have these blooms from around mid-Autumn right through the Spring.

    Ami ... some of the Petunias were from seed, but the doubles I got from the nursery as seedlings. They are pretty common here now ... the nursery started stocking these about three years ago.

    Larry ... actually the Ivy Geraniums do very, very well in the heat and humidity here. They are not at their best during the torrential rainy season, but they always come through well and then take off brilliantly. They can't go out in full sun, but they survive well shaded from the heat of the midday and afternoon sun. The two Ivy Pelargoniums that are featured in the collage are from the Pelargonium peltatum 'Ville de' series ... the white is 'Ville de Dresden' and the pink is 'Ville de Paris'. They are favourites of mine ... as they continue to come through the conditions here.


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