
Monday, August 23, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... An Itsy-Bitsy Bouquet, Fabulous Foliage, Pretty Pentas and Sombre Skies.

The weather lately has been slightly odd.  After getting so excited last week that the blue-sky sunny days had returned after so many overcast, dreary days, there was a return to the dismal weather with lots and lots of oh-so-sombre skies.  Our Winter skies have been strewn with dark clouds quite often this month and we've even had the occasional light shower of rain.  This is not normal!!   This is the time of year when we're supposed to be seeing endless days of bright blue clear skies ... but instead ... this was the view from the verandah again today.
Well to brighten the mood, I quickly put together this rather modest bouquet to add to the afternoon tea tray this afternoon ... it's not much, but it did add a little cheer!  I added some Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender', a Pansy, a couple of Violas and Bracteantha bracteata (Straw Daisies).
Another cheery sight right now in my garden are my fantastic Pentas plants.  These beauties will flower all year round ... but after receiving a rather severe trimming back earlier this Winter, I was missing their bright colours ... I'm so glad to see these blooming once more.

To end this Mosaic Monday post, I'm adding photos of some great foliage plants that add such wonderful colour to the garden on these dreary days.

Here's a touch of pink and green with (clockwise from top left) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Roseflake', Cordyline fruticosa 'Morning Sunshine', Rhoeo spathacea 'Candy Stripe' and Acalypha godseffiana 'Firestorm' ...

... and a splash of green and white (clockwise from top left) Dracaena godseffiana, Acalypha wilkesiana,
Hypoestes and variegated Nasturtium leaves.

I'm joining in two memes today, so please go on over and have a peek at some fabulous posts at Mary's Mosaic Monday meme and Noelle's Monthly Garden Bouquet meme.


  1. Hello Bernie,

    I love your winter bouquet. Violas are my favorite winter flowers and I cannot wait to grow some again in a few months. Thank you for participating in MGB :-)

  2. That must of been a lovely touch to the tea tray, I love flowers from the garden. I have been outside and bought in a gladioli that had fallen down in the wind and rain we had last night, so much for Summer here!! A lovely post Bernie, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  3. That's a fabulous collection of colour! I love the bouquet. Hardly modest with that mixture of hues.

  4. That ia a pretty bouquet which lifts up the spirits. I have pentas of many colours, but I dare not cut them back , as they immediately sicken and die.

  5. Just such lovely pictures...Especially enjoyed the mountain fog and clouds. It seems most refreshing. It's still hot and humid here! Cathy

  6. Yo. You've lifted my spirits too and I was already feeling up. :)

  7. Wonderful mosaics Bernie, the overcast days are great for gardening or sitting with tea and book. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  8. Bernie, lovely bouquet and I am going to try some Pentas for next summer. I did see it at the nursery but have never bought it.


  9. Beautiful mix colour of your cut flowers and those fantastic Pentas flowers! You have such lovely show of colourful foliage too..have a great week ahead!

  10. Cute and colorful bouquet! Love that ti plant, 'Morning Sunshine'! (I always hone in on the ti's.) I've never seen that one before. Pentas are a great plant, aren't they?!!

  11. Our summer has been overcast days or rain Bernie - I'm hoping we get an indian summer - well I can dream lol.

    I loved all the different colours of foliage you have in your garden and that little bouquet is so bright and cheerful along with those pentas.

  12. What great photos! I especcially love the collection of pentas, which I have only recently begun to appreciate. Your themes of pink foliage and variegated plants are well coordinated too!

  13. Bringing your garden in certainly did brighten things! So lovely. I always enjoy seeing what's blooming in your garden. Needless to say, when it's winter here, there's nothing blooming.

  14. Hi Bernie, love this mixed, pretty bouquet. It really cheers up! I have to get different colours of Pentas again. Lost my purple one. I am partial to the soft pink-white. I do not yet know what the weather is doing today it is still dark, yesterday it was raining, wanted to plant red onions and lettuce which is ready. Anyway my poor technical self found the wheel clicked it but that was it!
    Perhaps I must log in? Anyway here is my e-mail
    let me know your address and something will come your way! No strings attached. I was just pleased you were first on my new blog.

  15. What a lovely bouquet and an absolutely gorgeous container it's in! What a refreshing sight it must have been on your tea tray.

  16. I see you have many colourful blooms to go with those angry skies.

  17. Bernie, That is the sweetest bouquet! Your view is gorgeous even with the overcast sky. I imagine sipping tea on your verandah is quite heavenly. ;>)

  18. Hi, Bernie! Lovely bouquet. The colors and shapes go so well together! Your pentas are fantastic too. I have them, but not the pretty two-tone you have. Nice!

  19. I really like the mosaic of the foliages with pink! I hope they don't shed their leaves come end of the year.

  20. Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments! It seems my little bouquet was appreciated by many ... it went over well with my afternoon tea guest as well!!!


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