
Friday, August 6, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - end-of-Winter in Oz ... and Skywatch Friday!!!!

On this Flower Flaunt Friday, I woke up this Winter's morning to see a fabulous morning sky ....

... so I thought I would share the photos I took and join in the Skywatch Friday meme as well as Tootsie's Flaunt Your Flowers meme.  Just click on the links to see some amazing sky photos and fabulous flowers.

Here in my part of the world, August is our last Winter month ... and the weather remains rather warm.  Today the high was an-anything-but-chilly 28 deg C (82 F)!!!  We have a bright blue sunny sky and the plants are loving the sunshine that's finally arrived.

Out in my Shadehouse Garden my oldest Begonia is flowering.  I'm not sure what the varietal name for this one is ... it has rather furry edged leaves with tiny pink flowers that stand tall above the foliage.  Right now it's in full bloom.

Out in my Courtyard Garden some of the annuals are blooming beautifully.  I have lots of fabulous Snapdragons in all sorts of colours ... they're fast becoming one of my favourite annuals as they cause me the least amount of worry.  I'm having such trouble with Verbenas, Pansies and Sweet Peas becoming covered in some sort of white mouldy stuff which I just can't get rid of ... probably to do with the number of dreary overcast days we've had for weeks now.  But these marvellous Snapdragons just grow and bloom without any fuss!
The potted Salvias are another gorgeous bloomer that just keep on flourishing and providing such wonderful colours in the courtyard.

Another lovely little bloomer that's adding great orange and yellow to a different part of the Courtyard Garden is the Pansy called 'Oranges and Lemons'.  Such a bright cheery sight!

 In an outdoor garden bed my lovely new Iresine herbstii  'Blazin Rose' is showing its first blooms ...
 ... and the Osteospurmum are beginning to bloom once more.

Don't forget to pop over to:


  1. Gorgeous plants/flowers this week.

  2. You have definitely given gardening a "go" Bernie! So nice to meet you and your lovely flowers.

  3. Dear Bernie....My children’s daddy was a landscape architect, and my daughter’s mother in law was a landscape architect at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. until retirement. If only Ridgley were alive to see your photographs. Oh, how he taught us all to love flowers and beautiful landscaping. Your photos continue to amaze me. They are magnificent...but I think I have told you that many times. I posted 2 red sunrises from Flickr on Wednesday(by other photographers) I want you to I entitled them “Four Fabulous Fotos”. Seeing your heavenly skycape made me think of the reds in the ones I posted. Thanks for sharing your love of beauty . I adore your blog.

    Genie Robinson

  4. Bernie, I love what you can grow in the "winter." I will be thinking of all of these beauties during our winter.


  5. I really like the flower shape of those begonias! They beg to have an quirky illustration done of them.

  6. Bernie, The sunrise you captured is just gorgeous! Wow! You captured some beautiful flowers, too. I really like the colorful mosaic of your snapdragons. The yellow and orange pansy and the red salvia are very pretty too. Have a great week,

  7. You look like you're doing just fine for the last month of winter! Snapdragons are so pretty :-)

  8. i love all the vibrant colours

  9. Bernie...your gardens are just lovely! I like the osteospermums...they are my favorites...

  10. winters are cloudy in townsville???? thought u had cloudy rainy summers and sunny dry winters...just like us in (southern) florida USA...???

  11. Andrew ... usually our Winter is sunny, dry and clear just like yours. 2010, however, was a very different year to the usual. It ended up to be the wettest year on record for my home state ... and Townsville had one of its most overcast and wet 'dry' seasons on record! Yes the 'dry' turned out to be rather damp and dreary .. so out of the ordinary!


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