
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What in the world is going on?

OK ... now what's wrong with this picture?  Where are the hills?
 What is that on the outdoor setting?
Why are the leaves of the Amaranthus glistening?  (Please note the pitiful excuse for a lawn in the background! ... this is our lawn during the 'dry' season!)
Do my eyes deceive me or is that a puddle on the rocky granite ground?

Look closely ...

closer ...!!!!

What is going on Ms. Weatherman?  Please explain .... I mean this is the DRY tropics isn't it?  We don't get rain for around nine months of the year from Autumn through to around mid-Summer!!!!

Sitting in the classroom this afternoon, working with some students ... when suddenly there was that heavenly PERFUME!  Anyone who lives in a dry area will know what I mean ... there's something magical about the smell of rain when you haven't had any for months on end!  It is an amazing smell!  ...

But ... this is WINTER!  When one of my students suddenly blurted out "It's raining, Mrs. H!", I rolled my eyes with an air of resignation ... I work with students who have learning disabilities/difficulties, so I thought it was yet another diversionary tactic!  No ma'am!  It was rain.

Now, I don't mean to go on ... and on ... and on!  But this is just so weird!!!  Lovely ... but weird!

Usually this is the middle of our 'dry' season ... we don't really have four seasons in my part of the world.  We really only have a very, very short 'wet' and a very, very long 'dry'.  So rain at this time of year is quite strange.


  1. Well You see Mrs.H! we have so much rain in the Uk we thought you might like some! knew those rain dances would work lol! Enjoy the sweet smell of the rain it's wonderful.

  2. Lol, Sue! Your rain dances are pretty powerful then ... to make it rain over here! I just can't remember the last time we had a decent shower of rain in August ...have you got time for one more dance????? I wouldn't mind if it rained all day tomorrow please.

  3. I'll see what I can do!!!! lol!

  4. As I write we are having the heaviest rain thundering on our metal roof and yes its August, usually dry and windy. I am glad for my garden as I bet you are too.

  5. Thanks ... it's still raining ... getting stronger now. That was thunder ... I kid you not ... I've just heard thunder as I was typing! This is all so strange ... now it's teeming down! We've already had about an inch in the last few hours ... and it's really coming down now!

  6. Diane ... as I've just said to Sue, it's really pouring at the moment! How wonderful that you're getting rain as well. Weird ... but wonderful. I think I can hear the garden singing!!!!

  7. Bernie, we have all had too much rain here so I sent some to you! Weather has been crazy this all over the world.


  8. Hi Eileen ... it is seriously raining here right now. 10.30 pm and we've had around 5mm since about 2.00 pm, most of which has fallen in just the last 2 hours ... this is almost like our monsoonal 'wet' season all of a sudden. Crazy is the words!!!

  9. Hi Bernie, it is weird and a bit scary, Melbourne is supposed to be in the grip of drought and it has rained nearly day for weeks and weeks. I hope the plants will be all right because they will get spoiled and lazy and weak - usually they have to dig down deep for moisture. cheers, catmint

  10. I can sense the excitement in your words. Don't you love rain?!! We had a several rainy days during our dry season in my area this past winter. Unfortunately, we also had strangely cold weather, and wet and cold do not go together when it comes to tropical plants.

  11. Hi Aaron ... a strange coincidence definitely! It's around 11.30 pm now and it's been coming down for quite some time ... I'm a bit worried about my little pansies, violas and violets as I'm not sure they'll stand up to this heavy rain.

  12. Catmint ... yes it will be interesting to see what effect this heavy rain has on the garden because the plants are not used to it at all at this time of year ... bit worried about the new annuals I've been cosseting along for weeks now. They haven't had much strong sunshine and now the rain. Let's hope your plants come through all your rain down there ... and mine come through this extraordinary rain as well.

  13. Hi Floridagirl ... rain always causes excitement here when we haven't had any for a long time. I'm sure visitors would think we're slightly mad at the smell of rain. Of course, by the end of our short 'wet' season we've had enough of it ... but right now, I'm just loving it!!!
    Our winter hasn't been cold at all ... as a matter of fact it's been unseasonally warm ... even for here! So all round it's been a rather strange year!

  14. Bernie I never realised that you didn't have rain during your winter time - as our winters are full of it....... come to think of it so are our summers lol It was more like a monsoon pouring off your roof.

    I'm sure every one of your plants relished the little extra moisture.

  15. Good grief! Where did that come from? It's not even raining here. Well, not much, anyway.

  16. Hi Rosie ... yes I'm in the 'dry' tropics here and usually there's no rain for months and months. Our 'wet' season is very short most years ... only lasts around a month or two during the mid or end of Summer.
    This year has been slightly different ... we had lots of light showers of rain during our Autumn ... lots of dreary overcast days during early and mid-Winter ... then today between 2.00 pm and now (midnight) we've had 17 mm of rain ... and it's still coming down!!!

  17. Snail ... I have absolutely no idea at all. There was no prediction of rain from the weather bureau ... not that they're entirely accurate, but suddenly it's raining and it seems like it's raining all over the Townsville area ... Brownsville may not look so brown this end of Winter!!!!!

  18. The smell of the earth when it rains, ah yes. When I lived in the Mojave Desert, it assaulted the senses with an almost sickly sweet smell. Here in the Seattle area, it is fresh and crisp.

    Your photos are lovely. No excuses necessary for your lawn! Letting it go dormant in the summer is waterwise!

  19. Aahh! Someone who appreciates that 'almost sickly sweet' smell of rain! Spot on, Aerie-el! It's a heady scent ... and I always have trouble explaining it to people who live with rain almost all the time.
    Lol ... I also appreciated your comment about the lawn. It is indeed a waterwise strategy ... the first year here I tried to keep the grass relatively green ... and paid an absolute fortune in water bills!!! Just not sensible!

  20. Bernie, it looks like your weather is as out of kilter as ours! This is one of our coldest summers on record. Our coastal fog is so thick that most days, if we see the sun at all, it doesn't break through the clouds until past 2 o'clock in the afternoon! If it's going to be dreary though, I wish it would rain here, at least then I wouldn't need to water the garden :P

  21. Very unusual year to be sure. I am certain it was welcomed anyway.It will just make up for it later on maybe so enjoy it. LOL!

  22. Bernie: Congratulations on your very welcomed rain! Your garden looks very happy to soak into the rain. We also have been receiving daily rain this past week, nice! Only I wish it won't interrupt my garden project as much as it did! Love your post!

  23. Hi Bernie. It's been raining here in Brisbane too. Still is. We really needed it but the people off to the Ekka aren't so happy.

  24. Morning Missy ... the rain has been absolutely wonderful. It rained all night ...clear this morning, but showers predicted. Apparently we received around 45mm in total yesterday ... it's just unheard of! I can imagine the people visiting the Ekka wouldn't be happy at all ... little too cool and wet to make a great day!

  25. It has been a strange year for weather, you have rain in the dry season and we had snow for Mother's Day in May our spring. Wonderful what will follow next.


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