
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... Hot, Loud and Proud!!

Today I'm joining in both Mary's Mosaic Monday meme and Noels' Hot, Loud and Proud meme.  Actually I'm a day early for the first and a day late for the other ... I'm blaming this horrible hot Winter weather!!!  In what realm of fantasy can a 28 deg C day be called a Winter's day????  I think this is the warmest and the most overcast and dreariest Winter on record here in my patch of Oz.

Anyway .... right now there's lots of great colour around my garden, especially out in my Courtyard Garden.   Out there are the hot colours of the Bracteantha breacteatas  ...

In an outdoor garden bed there's the loud bracts of my Euphorbia pulcherrima ....

.... and in my Shadehouse Garden there's magnificent foliage of these proud Rexs!


  1. Bernie, I am sorry you are having such a hot winter. I know you count on this time of year to be out in the garden. The plants look like they are surviving this, beautiful!


  2. Hi Bernie, The fantastic blooms in your garden make wonderful mosaics. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  3. aloha,

    what amazing displays you have this month, i especially love your begonias...wish i had more shade in my area to grow these beauties, maybe i should keep them potted like your idea....beautiful mosaic

  4. I love it that you are in the middle of "winter" and it is sooo hot! The plants are lovely and the colors vibrant. Be glad that you don't have a foot of snow!

  5. Beautiful hot colors - so sorry that applies to the weather as well.

  6. Hi Bernie,
    It has been a busy summer for me and I have not visited your blog in some time. I love the mosaic monday of flowers you post. Such color!

    Thank you for sharing!


  7. Bernie,

    What great color. I love your garden ... a real feast! Happy Mosaic Monday!

  8. I like to pass to your mosaics not only for the nice photos also for the nice music your blogs has.

  9. So very lovely!!!! Yes the colors are really vibrant!!! Well done! Cathy

  10. Wow, love all the pretty colors and flowers. Beautiful mosaic!

  11. WOW!!! Holy Lots of Bright Colors! :-) Beautiful shots. I have never seen a poinsettia growing in the wild before. That's a lovely sight.

    Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeously vibrant photos with us all.

    Hope you have a very lovely day,

  12. Glorious poinsettia and I don't care what anyone says about them...I love them. I also enjoyed seeing the beautiful disks of the straw flowers. Vivid colors and textures. Hope that the weather moderates for you!

  13. I guess I would be happy that it was 28 degrees in winter instead of minus 28. Happy gardening.

  14. You have beautiful gardens, the colors are fantastic! Love the flowers in the first mosaic!

  15. Hi Bernie, i love all of them most especially the begonias. I love to plant them too, but they will not thrive here when the dry season arrives, so i will later be disappointed mourning for their loss. So i will just content myself appreciating yours! thanks.

  16. Beautiful and colorful flowers. You have a lovely garden.

  17. Vivid and gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    " Regina

  18. Hi Bernie, woh a stunning mosiac of amazing colours. Do you ever get to go somewhere cooler?
    I like the soup seasn we get here, though southeners think we are tradgic.


  19. Oh my, what a gorgeous mosaic..the flowers looks stunning. I like your blog..hope you can stop by My Dream Canvas

  20. Hi Bernie,
    I too am hoping to have a touch of winter before summer arrives! Loved your collages, and would like to grow some more begonias - they seem to like my garden. You have a great variety.

  21. what a hot and loud winter you are having! I'd be proud if these were my blooms - especially the begonias.


  22. Thank you so much everyone for your kind comments. We've finally had a 'cool' Winter's morning ... temp. dropped to 8 deg C early this morning ... and we had a weather alert!!!!!!! We don't get days/nights where the temp drops below 10!!!

  23. Very nice, loud and proud, Bernie!! I love the poinsettia...although anything euphorbia makes me shiver as I've learned these milky sap suppliers are a huge allergen to my sensitive skin...GRRRR! :)

  24. While I don't generally follow along with blog memes, I should this time because this one really fits me. I like loud colors, in my home and garden. I know that summers are pretty brutal where you are, and that keeps you from enjoying the season. But keep in mind that winters are brutal here, so summer has to be savored no matter how hot because winter is so awful!

  25. Kimberly ... thanks for dropping by! Sad to hear you can't have Euphorbias because of the risk of coming into contact with the sap! There are so many lovely varieties.

    Msrobin ... I too have quite a few of the hot colours in my garden. They seem to work particularly well in the tropics!!

    Thanks Diane. This time of year ... and into Spring is definitely the time for colour.


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