
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Flower Flaunt on a Friday.

While I am a little late posting this, I really wanted to join in this meme ... so here goes.   For other great posts where bloggers are flaunting their flowers on a Friday, please make sure you visit Tootsie at
Ferlitizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers

In this last month of Autumn my property is surrounded by bushland full of acacias breaking into bloom.  There are also a few around my garden and while they are not that spectacular from a distance ....

.... up close the blooms are lovely.

In my garden the Calliandras are also beginning to show a few new blooms just before their best Winter time show.

Calliandra haematocephala  (the pink variety)  ....  

and  Calliandra haematocephala  (the red variety).

My Combretum constrictum (Thailand Powderpuff) is also flowering and will continue to flower off and on for the remainder of the year. 

In my greenhouse/shadehouse garden I have a gorgeous miniature ginger, Globba winitii or what's commonly called 'Thai Beauty' still blooming.

...  and this Bromeliad is still showing its terrific colours. 

In one of the outdoor garden beds the Malvaviscus arboreus (Lipstick Hibiscus) is putting on its best display ...

 .... while the Lagerstroemia speciosa (Queens's Crepe Myrtle) is showing its last flowers for the year.


  1. Hi Bernie, Great post! I really like your Thai Powderpuff & Beauty!Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  2. Gorgeous blooms Bernie. Acacia's always make me sneeze, but I love the Calliandra blossom, it looks so delicate.

  3. Bernie the plants are gorgeous and mostly houseplants for us. The arcacia brings back my teaching mode knowing it is a favorite of the giraffe to nibble on. They take their twelve inch black/purple tongue and snap up those delictable leaves.


  4. aloha bernie,

    boy, i'm glad i'm just seeing those accacias from a distance or else my allergies will act up..pretty severe with this all your tropical colors today, thanks for sharing

  5. It is wonderful to travel over to your bush Bernie! Lovely lovely blooms ... so exotic for me and the trees are gorgeous.

  6. Hi Bernie. The blooms of the Pink Powder Puff are so lovely. I like those airy blooms. Happy FF and have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I agree, it is great to travel over to your garden and see your wonderful plants. I could only dream of growing such exotics in my garden :-)

  8. Thanks all for stopping by. It's great to get your comments.

    Angel ... the Thai Powder Puff (Combretum) is my favourite!

    Curbstone ... I've never been a big fan of the Calliandras, but I'm starting to appreciate them more and more ... especially love the fact they add great colour during our winter.

    Eileen ... I'd forgotten about the giraffe's love of acacia leaves! Different variety to these ... the creatures that love the blooms here are the native bees.

    Noel ... sorry to hear you're allergic. These varieties don't seem to annoy too many people here. They're everywhere around our city, blooming through the end of Autumn right through our Winter.

  9. Thanks Carol ... I do love the blooming Acacias at this time of year.

    HHG ... thanks for your comment as well. I rather prefer the Pink Powder Puff to the red.

    Chris ... it's always strange to think these plants are 'exotic' to others.

  10. Great shots of beautiful flowers.

  11. Fabulous photos! Love the acacias and your flowers and shrubs. Fun to see what is growing in another climate - so different from where I live.
    blessings, Beth

  12. Hello Bernie - all those brightly coloured 'powderpuffs' are wonderful :) Our acacias won't be in full swing for another month or so down here. I have a little one planted on your advice that is covered in buds, so I can't wait to show it off to you!

  13. late or not...I am SO glad you joined in this a beautiful post!
    I am so glad you have joined in on FF this week...thank you. I hope you will share with my meme again soon!
    Spring is finally showing herself here and I get to start hardening off my flowers this soon I will have something growing outside too!
    Oh...and I am now a follower of you!


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