
Monday, May 10, 2010

Mosaic Monday - A Tribute To Mum on Mother's Day

As I sit here waiting for Mother's Day to draw to a close, my thoughts inevitably turn to the Mother I never really knew.  Taken to a better place over forty years ago when I was very young  ... there still remains a sense of loss.  Today is a day to pay tribute to someone who never got to see her children grow up to have families of their own, a mother who was not part of her children's lives for long at all.
She was born in the early '20s ... was the second youngest of six children ... grew up in poor circumstances ... worked hard for many, many years ... married in her mid-30s ... had two children ... was ill for many years ... and left this mortal world before she was 45.  She loved music, flowers, sewing and cooking.

"A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever."

I do hope all mothers out there had a fabulous day.
For other great Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House.

POSTCRIPT:  I'm adding a link to a beautiful post at one of Ginny's blogs ... thanks very much Ginny.  It is a very touching post for anyone who lost their mother when they were young.  The post is called "The One You Keep Looking For" at The Blessing Bowl


  1. Bernie she was such a pretty young lady. What a lovely tribute to her.

  2. Your mother was a very beautiful women. A nice tribute to her. I hope you had a wonderfull day and take care:)

  3. Thanks HHG and AFoT ... I only have a few photos of her, but the portrait is a treasured keepsake.

    Garden of Threads ... yes I had a wonderful Mother's Day, thanks so much. I was lucky enough to have one of my sons up here for a quick visit.

  4. Your mother was beautiful. My mother also died young - age 44 - and I blogged about her on my non-gardening blog: The blog post has links to a couple of excellent articles that I think would be meaningful to you, having lost your mother early as I did.

  5. Thanks for your lovely words Ginny. I have visited your post and it was marvellous. I'm adding a link to my post so others can read it as well.

    Sadly I lost my mother at a very early age and the memories are rather dim, but precious nonetheless!

  6. whoa, seriously gorgeous mosaic. LOVE your idea!

  7. I just love the old photos with the naturally wavy hair and such a clean look. She was so pretty.

  8. Such a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing at MM. :)

  9. Wonderful photos and and a lovely tribute!

  10. How very touching and a lovely tribute. The pictures are wonderful....lovely Mum.

  11. I am sorry you lost your Mom so young. She was a beautiful woman and I am sure you are too. Happy Mother's Day. Valerie

  12. What a wonderful tribute on Mother's Day! Gorgeous and fun.

  13. What a beautiful sad that she died so young...a beautiful tribute to her!!!

  14. That is beautiful...such a vital looking young woman she was, and such delicate fine features.
    What a loving tribute you have written.

  15. This was such a touching post and indeed a lovely visual tribute to your mother. The pictures are fabulous-she looked like a fun and beautiful lady.

    Best wishes,

  16. Thank you all so much for your lovely, heart warming comments. I have always considered Mum to be quite beautiful ... but of course, I'm biased. Even though the last photos of her show a person struggling with ill health, somehow she still looks very dignified.

  17. A lovely tribute to a mother you didn't have for long. The old photos are gems. Glad you had your son visit on your special day.

  18. I'm so sorry you didn't get to know your mom. I am sure the old photos are a comfort to you. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  19. Best tribute to the mother. Happy mothers day.

  20. What a lovely post. Thanks for visiting me.

  21. Bernie, Your Mum was beautiful and although the time you had together was but a but a sthort moment in time. That moment has guided you to be a wonderful Mother yourself.
    Hope you had a fabulous time with your son.
    All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother. ~Abraham Lincoln

  22. Thanks Bernie...your posting is very beautiful!
    I've got too yesterday.
    Happy MM!

  23. Just beautiful. A lovely tribute to your mum. ~Jeanne

  24. That was a very moving post and a lovely tribute Bernie.

  25. Hi Bernie,

    What a wonderful way to honor your mother's life and her memory - you've done her proud!


  26. What beautiful images of your mother - the studio portrait is so winsome.

  27. What a dear post and such lovely photos! So nice stopping by to visit with you, Bernie! Sweet place you have here.

    Thank you for visiting my place and leaving your comment!

    Kindly, ldh

  28. So sorry you didn't really know your mother. I sincerely hope that although you didn't have your biological mother long, there was a woman in your life that helped to fill the void. Your mother was beautiful...

    Hope you have a beautiful day!

  29. What a beautiful mother you had. LOvely mosaic

  30. Hi Bernie, I'm glad your son made it to visit on Mother's Day. Your mom was just lovely, I'm sorry you lost her when she (and you) were so young. I guess there will always be that empty place in your heart where she belongs. It's nice that you have so many photos and can be reminded of her short life and of who she was.

  31. Such a sad story Bernie and I can fully understand your loss is felt every day. Wonderful you have some pictures of her, such a beautiful lady she was. I read you have a sibling, so there is someone you share the same mother with, the same past, which is some comfort to you I guess.


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