
Monday, May 3, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Plant Envy

Yes ... I covet!  This is one tree I would love to have growing in my garden ... but I don't.
It's in my neighbour's front yard and right now, it's in full bloom!  Such a grand sight - Colvillea racemosa.
 For other great Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House.


  1. Really lovely and such a vivid orange color. It his tree related to the mimosa tree? We have some here and the blossoms are salmon in color. Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. Wishing you well! Cathy

  2. Very lovely and special plant in your mosaic. It is always interesting to see what people have in their gardens in other parts of the world. And you live in quite another climatezon. Also you have so many beautiful plants in pots. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  3. This is a beautiful tree Bernie. It is nice that you can borrow the view.


  4. What a beautiful tree Bernie. Those plumes of blooms must be heavy hanging down.Glad to hear that your rain has stopped for now. You sure do have loads of pots but they came through well for all of the rain you have gotten.

  5. That is a neat looking tree. I like the picture with the parrot in the branches.Are the fruit edible or just for the birds?

  6. What a beautiful tree!
    And what beautiful photos, Bernie, I love looking at them, especially those in your other blog :)

  7. No sly glances needed for that one, Bernie. It's very much in your face :)

  8. Now that's a tree that demands some attention! How stunning the colors are against their dark green backdrop.

  9. I love flowering trees. i can see why you are envious it is a beauty.

  10. Wow! That is a beauty, Bernie! A showstopper, for sure.


  11. Oh my gosh!! That is so beautiful. I'd like to have many of those. :0)

    I'm visiting you for Mosaic Monday...I'd love for you to drop by my place when you have a chance.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  12. GrandmaK ... Hi Cathy! Thanks for dropping by. The Colvillea is related to the Poinciana, but not to the Mimosas.

  13. Ingmarie ... it was a pleasure to drop by and see your mosaic. Thanks for visiting my post ... I'm glad you enjoyed a look at one of the beauties that grow downunder.

  14. Hi Eileen ... yes I'm lucky as I get to drive past this beauty every day on my way to work. It looks magnificent at this time of year ... not so magnificent when it drops all its leaves however.

  15. G'day Hocking Hills Gardener ... yes, finally the rain has stopped. It's been hard on the garden, but most plants have come through fairly well. I can't wait to finish the potting ready for the coming winter and spring.

  16. Hi Sanddune ... yes there were quite a few Rainbow Lorikeets feasting on the those flowers. No they're not edible for humans ... but the birds love them.

  17. Gabriella ... thanks for visiting both my blogs. I'm so glad you enjoy all the photos. I will have to stop by and visit your blog soon.

  18. Flo ... yes this one is right out facing the street. I can stare all day if I want to, lol!

  19. Curbstone ... you're so right. It is a stand-out tree ... the photos don't really do it justice. It is the most gorgeous orange colour.

  20. Diane ... there's a couple of great specimens of this tree in the Botanic Gardens down in Brissie ... just spectacular when they're blooming.

  21. Amamanda ... thanks for visiting again. Glad you liked this tree as much as I do.

  22. Stephanie ... I would definitely love to have quite a few of these myself. Glad you dropped by ... I'll make sure I visit your Mosaic Monday post right away.

  23. Wow! What a wonderul looking tree. Not something we would every see growing here. Thanks for sharing it. Valerie

  24. Bernie, I can understand why you covet this amazing tree! I like it too!! Unfortunately, I cannot add anymore trees to my yard...I'm maxed out! I need to acquire more land!!! :)

  25. Fantastic looking tree ~ I can understand why you would like to have one like this in your garden.

  26. Wow, that is gorgeous! At least you get to enjoy the show in your neighbor's yard. :) Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  27. Hi Bernie!
    What a colourful tree your neighbour have in their garden!Well, if you don't think you have anything to show of your garden - go to your neighbour. Happiness from others happiness=shared happiness!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Best wishes,

  28. Wow what a beautiful tree! You have some lovely photos on your blog, and I love the 'colours in your garden' bits too! Thank you for visiting my blog xx


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