
Friday, April 2, 2010

Mid-Autumn ... and it's still raining!

April is our middle of Autumn month and it would be great to say that our fabulous autumn weather is well under way ... but alas that is not quite the case. While it's true the humidity levels have dropped considerably and the daytime temperatures are usually just below 30 degrees C, there's something not quite right about the weather for this time of year.  Can you see what's wrong with this picture?

Townsville Forecast









Clearing shower
Late shower
Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
maximum 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 29°C 30°C
minimum 23°C 23°C 23°C 22°C 22°C 22°C 21°C

The rain just will not stop!  Today is yet another overcast, showery dreary day ... here is the view out onto the courtyard garden today.

Now don't get me wrong ... I am the world's biggest fan of rain!  Usually we don't get a drop of rain from mid-March to at least mid-December or the beginning of January ... so the sight of rain-clouds approaching and the smell of the impending downpour can send me into absolute delirium!

But after nearly three months of almost negligible amounts of time spent gardening, I'm now suffering a serious case of garden withdrawal!  Sure I've done a few things when the rain stopped for a while ...

I've planted out my white Ozothamnus diosmifolius - an Australian native everlasting daisy ....

and my Baecka 'Mount Tozer'.  These two plants have gone into my 'white' spot in an outdoor garden bed.

I have also managed to do a couple of the usual Autumn jobs ... like trimming back the crotons,

.... and the ixoras ...

as well as the acalyphas.

A few of the potted annuals have struggled through the rain since being planted up at the end of February.  

I think I was being a teeny weeny bit optimistic when planting these at the end of summer ... fancy thinking the 'wet' was over when the summer was over!!!  That has not been the case this year ... and unfortunately another casualty of all this rain and very little sunshine has been my seedlings.  There are very few survivors, so I'll try again in a couple of weeks.

The on-going wet weather has also meant that the greenhouse garden is once again getting rather overgrown ... I'm going to have to do yet another clean-out in there!

We very rarely get rain after the Easter Weekend ... so here's hoping that the fine weather will arrive soon and I can once again slip on those gardening gloves and get out for some quality gardening time.


  1. Bernie, I feel your pain. It's hard for a gardener to wait for the weather to clear. But I enjoyed your photos...your garden is SO lush!! I can't wait for mine to be even remotely as lush!!! Beautiful!

  2. Sorry to hear things are not improving for you Bernie. I can sympathise with you, our weather is so up and down at the moment more rain than sun. Luckily my seedlings are going mad but it’s too cold to put them out yet and I have run out of room in the greenhouse. Still loads to plant.

  3. I got a kick out of trimming the crotons! These are the plants were buy here in a 4" pot as a houseplant.

    Even with all the rain, your garden looks wonderful, so lush!


  4. We're having the same problem with our spring. The rain stopped, just long enough to start some projects in the garden, but now we've been rained out again. Hopefully we'll both see fair weather soon, but at least your frogs will be happy!

  5. Hi Bernie. It seems weather comes in extremes anymore and nothing is normal.Your garden does look so lush and pretty though in spite of all of the rain. I love those red or dark pink blooms in the last picture, what are they? Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. We've been rained to death here in the US too (New England), as our spring starts. It's not like the weather extremes you have with 9 months of dry and then steady rain, but wet is wet and after 4 solid days we're flooded out. All my gardens go squish. I feel for you!

  7. I am right there with you Bernie, with seedlings getting long and leggy, pawpaws that just will not riped without a bit of sunshine, and mildew growing between my toes. Yes this rain can stop anytime now!

  8. Hi Kimberly ... yes I have to agree ... the garden is lush. I know I shouldn't complain about the rain because I do love seeing the garden so green and lush ... but I really would love to get out there soon.

  9. Lavinder lady ... I'm rather jealous that your seedlings are doing so well ... I wish there was a trace of mine left! Maybe you'll get some warmer weather soon and you'll be able to plant out all those lovely seedlings.

  10. Hi Eileen ... I suppose it would sound strange that we have to trim back our crotons if yours are usually house plants. My crotons are around 2 metres high and around the same width ... the trimming helps to keep them bushy and bright.

  11. Curbstone ... we'll both have to keep fingers crossed there'll be a change very soon! Yes ... the frogs are extremely happy ... judging by all the singing!

  12. G'day Lona ... we're used to changeable weather during our summer here, but this is dragging on so long which is rather unexpected.

    Those red blooms you were wondering about are gerberas. These are the first ones to come out of dormancy and they're blooming away brilliantly right now ... they at least seem to have enjoyed the rain!

  13. Hi Laurrie ... seems the rain gods have been busy on both sides of the world. It's still raining today, so it looks like a wet start to April for us.

  14. Africanaussie ... the forecast down here is rain for at least another week, but, fingers crossed, that will be it! It's unusual for mould to be visible on our walls down here ... but that's exactly what's happened this year!

  15. Hi Bernie,
    Thanks for the faves. They're very much appreciated. I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing some of the fascinating tropicals that grow in your beautiful garden.
    The colour in that Cordyline in the previous post is so vibrant. It's a beauty. I have a burgundy one overwintering in my cellar under lights.
    I can well imagine how weary you are of rain after so much of it. What a shame you can't send it south to some of the areas that could really use it.
    We had a warm beginning to April - 80ºF/26.6C today. We reveling in the warmth after the long, cold, snowy winter!

  16. Your garden is so lush and beautiful. You have reminded me to get a toad lily, they have such great patterning. And you greenhouse garden is gorgeous. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the opposite seasons there compared to ours in Canada but I'm finding it fascinating.


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