
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Hot, The Loud and The Proud ..... Cordyline.

This is my all-time favourite cordyline.  It's such a no-nonsense, fuss-free plant in a tropical garden ... and it rewards you with fabulous colour all year round through the rain, the drought, the heat, the fierce sun, the stifling humidity and even the arrival of hungry hordes of enormous grasshoppers!  No matter what the seasons throw at this plant, it always comes back!

My contribution to the meme hosted by Plant Fanatic in Hawaii The Hot, The Loud and The Proud

Presenting  ... Cordyline 'Red Wings'.   (You can click on the photos to get an enlarged view)

Up close .....
... and personal!


  1. Bernie, your cordyline looks amazing! I gave up on one as the leaves dried up very quickly in my garden. And the true colours do not show. Your foliage is beautiful. I like this red wing and surprised that it's fuss free for you.

  2. I use Cordyline as an annual in my continer pots. Naturally, it is not as big and beautiful as yours but it is a carefree spiky plant. What they sell us for containers is a darker reddish brown color.


  3. Vibrant colours! You have captured it perfectly!

  4. Wow! That is one vibrant cordyline Bernie, I don't think I've ever seen one so bright!

  5. Stephanie ... I've been growing these for a few years now and they really are a fuss-free plant for me. As long as they get some shade from the midday sun during our hot summers ... and a bit of watering every week with a feed every season ... they just power on beautifully.

  6. Eileen ... I grow most of mine in pots as well ... but of course here, they grow for years and years. I usually plant annuals around the base of the cordylines to add some colour during our 'dry' months.

  7. Thanks Lotusleaf ... it is a plant that adds impact to my courtyard and greenhouse gardens.

  8. Heidi ... it's the vibrancy that I love so much ... that's why it's my all-time favourite.

  9. Hello Bernie, this is my kind of plant :-) We don't use any pesticides or poisons so everything has two chances in our garden. We're not tropical but I wonder how this cordyline would fair over here :-)

  10. Bernie: I love this plant! We grow this plant in Florida too. This is just a beautiful tropical plant that adds color year around. Good choice for the meem!

  11. Wow...not subtle is she? But Cordyline is certainly stunning! Nice that she's so tough too!

  12. aloha bernie,

    on my plot i name my favorite plant as the cordyline since they add so much color and variety to a garden...i'm obsessed with these and your post highlights them well.

    surprisingly they also do quite well as indoor/potted plants so my dear friends not in tropical areas can have lots of color indoors as well!

    thanks for taking part bernie!

  13. That is a wonderful cordyline and perfect for this topic! I love to grow ti plants here in my hot tropical garden. They are very tough. Mine are already sprouting new leaves after Florida's worst winter in 30 years!

  14. I love the color and have some in my landscape! Now I know that it is a Cordyline. Mahalo

  15. Bernie, that has to be some of the most striking foliage on earth. Stunning!

  16. Mmmm. lovely colour Bernie - I wish mine were more colourful, just like yours. I have cordyline envy!

  17. Hi Bernie, the cordyline is a striking plant. Like you describe, it has many attributes. I admire the colour. Cordylines have become were popular in the Australian garden designs.

  18. Bernie, I too love the Ti plant. They are skattered throughout my landscape. They're not looking too lovely currently as they recuperate from the cold winter we experienced. But they will be fine. I agree that these are some of the "hottest" tropical plants...they offer color no matter what (unless they get bit by a chill).


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