
Monday, March 29, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Rejoicing in the Rain!

Rain is such a uncommon event in my part of the world for much of the year ... for around nine months actually ... that we look forward to a 'wet' season sooooo.... much!

But rain ... at the end of March!!!!  That's rather unusual.  This has been one bumper rainy season  ... around 45 inches / 1154 mm of rain so far this year and it's still falling.  Flying into the city this morning and the countryside was green as far as the eye could see ... another uncommon event! 

So ... hooray for the rain!  It's been wonderful!

I'm linking up with Mary's Little Red House - Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. Nature is so beautiful...even when it is pouring rain! I love your pictures! Is that a real duck or a statue? Have a wonderful week! Lisa

  2. Rain can be a wonderful thing to watch and appreciate. Thanks for showing us your photos. Valerie

  3. Fabulous photos, you have stopped the rain running off the house just perfectly. cool!!!!

  4. Yes, hooray for the rain! It has been raining here for 8 hours straight! Spring is usually our "drought" season in peninsular Florida, but this March has been super-rainy. I wonder if it will keep up in April. That's usually a tough month in the garden for us, dragging the hose out everyday and spraying the hibiscus.

  5. Hooray for rain indeed. We too seemed to have broken our dry drought spell this winter. Beautiful mosaic of photographs too, the duck looks to be very pleased for the rain too.

  6. Rain is such a blessing! We only get about 8-9 inches a year here on the California coast, so we're very thankful for whatever we get. Nothing like a good downpour outside to get one motivated indoors!


  7. After a bright, dry sunny month, we started to get some rain, only now it has turned into snow again. The plants here are already a month behind, and just as they are all springing back to life, they are being battered with another cold spell..... Sigh

  8. Rojospa / Lisa ... thanks for your lovely comment. Yes the duck is real ... we have a few ducks on our property and they have definitely been enjoying the rain.

  9. A Garden Of Threads ... glad you enjoyed the photos.

  10. Valerie ... thanks for visiting and you're right when you say rain is wonderful to watch.

  11. Bobbi ... thanks for your comment ... the rain has been most welcome, but we just don't want any more of the torrential downpours!

  12. Floridagirl ... yes the rain is most welcome after our long, long 'dry' season through the autumn, winter, spring and beginning of summer. It's just unusual that it's been raining for 3 months now almost non-stop ... quite a few of my drought tolerant plants have just given up!

  13. Curbstone valley farm ... we haven't had quite as long a 'wet' season for many, many years and it's lovely to see the countryside so green.

  14. Hello Bernie. Its not unusual for it to rain in the UK in March, but we also have plenty of it. Enjoy it :-)

  15. I love the rain too; Every day a nice gentle shower to keep everything growing and green...I wish...Your mosaic is a nice offering to the rain goddess!

  16. Chris ... as we approaching the middle of Autumn here, it's a little unusual for our 'wet' season to be continuing ... our long 'dry' spell has usually started by now.

  17. Titania ... I too love gentle showers ... it's the weeks and weeks of torrential rain that I really do get fed up with ... right now the rain is a spin-off of yet another cyclone which is a lot further away, so it hasn't been too heavy thank goodness.


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