
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter from Downunder.

Wishing all who read this blog a Happy Easter.  
Easter Wishes from the Easter Bilby!

It's now Easter Sunday evening downunder and ... yes it was another dreary, overcast, showery day!  Still there were a few cheery sights in the garden today.

My Tricyrtis x Empress ... Empress Toad Lily is simply bursting out all over with blooms.  This is my very first Tricyrtis and I'm so chuffed with its performance so far.

My Costus productus - Orange Spiral Ginger - flowers non-stop and adds a little ray of sunshine in amongst all the ferns in the greenhouse garden.

Then there's my Tabernaemontana corymbosa 'Sweet Love' with its gorgeous form and stunning, faintly scented flowers.

Sweet Love being so appropriate for Easter Sunday ... I do hope you have a great day spending time with those you love!


  1. The empress toad lily looks very impressive. Costus and Tabernaemontana love the rainy season.
    Happy Easter!

  2. Thanks Titania ... hope you've had a great Easter weekend as well.

  3. Happy Easter to you too :-) 10.55 am here and the weather is cloudy with sunny spells. Your plants look wonderful!

  4. Thanks for your Easter wish, Chris. I'm glad to hear you're having such a lovely day over there ... wish WE had seen the sun today!

  5. Hello Bernie and Happy Easter to you too! The Easter Bilby cartoon is very cute :)
    I've just seen your lovely greetings over at 'my place' and I am a little hesitant to tell you that we had a lovely crisp and clear Autumn day today! But we have been under a smoke haze for the last two weeks while the annual fuel reduction goes on in the nearby hills.
    I'm sending on some wishes for sunny skies and lovely mild days in the garden!

  6. Lol ... thanks GG. Glad to hear the sun's shining somewhere ... hopefully it will appear soon for us.

  7. Your Sweet Love is just gorgeous Bernie. A Happy and Blessed Easter to you too.

  8. That Toad lily is quite unique looking. Happy Easter to you from UPOVER!

  9. Thanks to both Lona and Sanddune for your Easter wishes.

  10. Happy Easter Bernie, I love that toad lilly. Nice to see your spiral costus is flowering, there might still be hope for mine - I was thinking it would not flower until next wet season. I was also wondering if it needed some sunshine to flower

  11. Happy Easter to you too Bernie! That's a spectacular Tabernaemontana - I've never seen one before but my knowledge is terrible with tropical plants. I wonder if I could grow one indoors here? Hope you have a lovely long weekend!

  12. Very cute photos. Those flowers are simply pretty! they signal that it's spring time! Time to express my warmest and best happy easter wishes too all!


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