
Monday, July 6, 2015

What's On Show This Weekend ... July 4-5, 2015 ... mid-Winter.

I've been so very slack in posting on either of my blogs this year, and the year is already half over!!!  It's getting harder and harder for me to find the time to devote to blogging, so I think I'll just try and add a quick post on the weekends as a way of tracking what's on show in the various corners of my garden.

So ... what's on show this weekend?

Eucharis ... I think it's Eucharis amazonica because of the size of the blooms.  The perfume however, is not all that strong.  I posted a photo of this on my Facebook page, and one of the comments drew my attention immediately.  Someone calls these 'tropical daffodils'.  It suits, doesn't it?

'Bonanza' Petunia.  I love the doubles!

It's Schlumbergera time here in the tropics.  Obviously it's our wintertime and that's when our Schlums bloom.  Our common name for them is Zygocactus.

My white Impatiens walleriana is looking fabulous right now.

There's some colour amongst the potted plants out in my courtyard garden.

In one of my new garden beds, the gorgeous Buttercup Yellow Gerbera shines.

Ixora and ...

... Crossandra look lovely at the moment.

It's also time for my Pelargoniums to shart putting on a show.  Only two survived the humidity of our summer this year.  I think the reason they survived was because our monsoonal wet season didn't arrive.  I have great difficulty getting these plants through our wet seasons.  As it was a no-show this year, I have two plants throwing out big flowerheads at the moment.  One benefit of the wet season no-show I guess.


  1. Hi Bernie, I quite understand the difficulty of finding time to post on your blogs as I have a similar problem - though not on personal blogs, but on public blogs I post on! Last year seemed bad but the year to date is much worse! :(

    I love your garden in "winter" - it's as colourful as ours in summer! None of your plants would survive our winters, even if they are quite mild compared to other places.

    1. I reached the stage last year where I felt I was just repeating myself over and over, and not really coming up with anything fresh. I only managed 20 posts last year, which was a significant reduction compared to the previous 4 years. So far this year, I've only managed 4 posts!!!! Obviously my blogger's block is lasting.

      Winter here is just the best time of the year. It does however coincide with our dry season which makes gardening tough. It's an on-going battle keeping up the water to the plants. At least it's pleasant where I do get out there to water though.

  2. Hi Bernie, welcome back - even though you havent been posting your garden is as pretty as ever! We didnt have much of a wet season but have had a lof of rain now which is our dry season. I dont mind as my veggie garden is flourishing.

    1. Thanks Gillian. I'm going to make a concerted effort for the remainder of the year to add a post every weekend, if possible. It's always great for keeping track of what's going on here.

      You are ever so lucky to be getting rain. I'm very jealous. Of course, here we're in the midst of our oh-so-long dry season and it's going to be a tough period given the fact that the wet season didn't eventuate at the beginning of the year. I think I'm going to have a hefty water bill this year!

  3. Welcome back Bernie!! I've always loved following your garden posts! It's been a while since I visited but I can see that this is your first post since Feb. I totally understand the lack of time to blog. I have been all over the lace with blogging this year and at times I didn't blog for a whole month. My parents took me on a holiday to the US and an Alaskan cruise for my 50th birthday in April so I have been trying to post at least once a week now that I have my images edited.

    1. Thanks for your welcome back comment Liz. I've really hit the blogging block and lost my blogging mojo! It sounds as if you've been having the most wonderful time. An Alaskan cruise is on my wish list. Maybe one day! I'll have to check out your photos.

  4. It's always a pleasure to visit your garden Bernie and see your beautiful flowers - we are freezing in Sydney at the moment but I can look at your plants and dream of summer!
    The word “mojo” is from an African language and relates to magic and spells to generate luck and power. It's my personal opinion that you will ultimately discover that your mojo is within, and that you had access to it all along. Groovy baby.

    1. Yeah, baby! Let's hope that mojo makes an appearance soon, lol! Looks like the freeze is going to move north this weekend. We've had almost no winter weather whatsoever so far this year up here. It's been very, very mild even for us!

  5. Bernie I really love that Eucharis...very different flower although the foliage reminds me of the Peace Lily!

    1. Yes you're spot on there, Donna. The foliage is very similar to the Peace Lily foliage. The flowers are just magnificent. The perfume is very faint but rather lovely.

  6. I also GLAD to see you back dear Bernie. I signed up to get email notifications for when you have new posts, hopefully that will inspire you to post more. :-) One can hope. I always enjoyed seeing your different gardens, flowers, etc. in each season.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady


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