
Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Flower and Foliage Flaunt ... on this late Summer Friday.

It's been a hot and humid week.  Temps have stayed pretty much around the 33 - 34 deg C mark all week, although thankfully the night time temps are a much more comfortable 24-25 deg C.  We've had a few showers of rain again during the week, but we still haven't seen the monsoonal rains arrive yet.

Out in the garden, it's the usual stuff that's on show.

Clerodendrum ugandense

Jasminum officinale

Hibiscus schizopetalus

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Tabernaemontana corymbosa 'Sweet Love'

Justicia brandegeana

Lagerstroemia indica

Mussaenda 'Calcutta Sunset'

Rain Lilies and Caladium

Mandevilla 'White Fantasy' and Pentas lanceolata

Pentas lanceolata

Galphimia glauca

Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' and Russelia

Allamanda cathartica 'Sunee' and Russelia

Pentas lanceolata

Wrightia antidysenterica 'Arctic Snow'


Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum'


Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu'

Now for some fabulous foliage ...


Dracena godseffiana

Croton 'Zanzibar'

I'm joining Floral Friday Fotos


  1. Wonderfully colorful and fabulous as always. Makes me want to run out into my gardens, but alas, I'm at work. :-)

    Happy Valentine's Day ~ FlowerLady

    1. Friday is my day off work and it's always lovely to be able to get out into the garden for a while after a hectic working week. It's fantastic having a three-day weekend every week. I'm so lucky.

  2. These are all great photos, a lovely variety of beautiful blooms. Each one makes me smile, thanks Bernie.

    1. It's always so pleasing to hear that the blooms in my garden not only make me happy but make others smile as well.

  3. What a wonderful reminder of how summer looks. We're having a little bit of freeze at night right now and I can certainly use something to look forward to.

    1. It's the height of our summer here at the moment, Jean. The days are hot, hot, hot. It's difficult to do any actual work in the garden, so I'm just spending time wandering around enjoying the little spots here and there.

  4. Beautiful! I love all the different shapes and colours in your garden. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I'm grateful for your visit and your comment, thanks Gunilla.

  5. Your garden doing wonderful in the heat and thank you for showing many beautiful blooms. It's been very humid summer here and I am looking forward to a cooler days soon

    1. Yes, I'm definitely counting down the days until the cooler weather arrives. I don't enjoy the heat at all.

  6. Love seeing all the blooms and color and hearing about the heat on this very chilling day...all is still buried by white here.

  7. What beauties you have in bloom now. I just love your Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' and Russelia grouped together. They are just a gorgeous combination. The Russelia amongst the Allamanda cathartica 'Sunee' is so pretty too. It is hard to believe you are into late summer now. But it does give me hope for spring soon arriving here. :). Thanks for showing all your lovely blooms.

  8. Excellent shots of some magnificent flowers, Bernie. But we all expect this from you now :-)
    Thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, hope to see your new contributions this week.

  9. It is always such a treat to visit your blog, no matter what time of year it is! As usual you have many flowers I haven’t even heard of and such great variety. Loved Mussaenda 'Calcutta Sunset'.

  10. Always such beautiful flowers and foliage from your garden. Hoe do you remember all the names. I'm too lazy.

  11. Oh you're still active, it is just me who is not visiting. I didn't post for the time i was in Australia and New Zealand, but i resumed, i get lovely feelings from comments and blogging. It was so hot when i was in Brisbane and Canberra, felt like i am in the Philippines. Now we are starting to get hotter starting the dry season, and my plants are starting to slow down, others already die. Only the Heliconia rostrata seem to love the heat, and of course those crotons are perennially resistant.

  12. Gorgeous photos, I love all of the different colours in this post! - Tasha

  13. Hi Bernie! Long time, no see! Your garden is lovely as usual. We have had rain for 2 days and we needed it. Spring has come and gone and now we will begin summer. Can't say as I am not thrilled. I hate cold. School is about out here for the summer. I think they have a partial next week and then out until August. Good to see you and hope you all are well!


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