
Friday, October 11, 2013

It's Another Flower Flaunt Friday ... On Another Mid-Spring Friday.

It has been a quite toasty warm Springtime for us so far, so it looks like a very hot, very long summer is on the way.  Of course that means the rains should be just around the corner now, and not far off ... maybe another month or so to go.  The garden will be oh so grateful when decent rain soaks the ground.

At the moment, it's Lily time with some of my Asiatic and Oriental Lilies in bloom.

I can't list the names of these beauties as they came in a mixed pack.

One of my new Hemerocallis really caught my eye this week.  It was a bonus bulb thrown in with my order because the nursery couldn't supply one particular variety that I wanted.  I've never been interested in ordering a spider Daylily before, but I can see that this one might change my mind.

This bulb arrived without a label, but I think it's Hemerocallis 'World Class Oddity'.  Such a fabulous name!

The Brunfelsia, or Yesterday, Today, Tommorrow shrub, is putting on a great show at the moment, and the perfume is simply divine.

My Indian Rope Hoya blooms have finally opened.  You can see why one of the common names for these plants is Porcelain Flower.  They look like they're made of fine porcelain or fondant icing.

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme,


  1. You have some lovely flowers in your spring garden, while we are heading into winter. : )

    1. Nell, I'm dreading the approach of summer. Our summers can be very harsh and hard on the garden. So while you're heading into a less enjoyable part of your gardening year, so am I.

  2. Your lilies are beautiful! Love the Brunfelsia and your hoya too.

    It's always a treat to see what you have growing and in bloom there.


    1. It's always lovely to see you dropping by, Lorraine. I hope all is well, and it's not too hot for you just yet.

  3. Greatful shots ... And I love the Porcelain Flower, we have one of them in our house!

    Have a nice Weekend , Cheers from Bavaria

    1. G'day Erica and welcome. It's terrific to have you drop by. My lovely Hoya is outside in my shadehouse garden and seems to love it out there. It gets a little protection from the sun and the wind, but seems to like the outdoors.

  4. Wonderful! I love the lilies and the hoyas. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It's been a great start to the weekend already, Gunilla. The temps have dropped slightly, so it's not as hot as it was during the week. I've managed to get out into the garden during the middle of the day today.

  5. Lovely! Lovely!
    I especially like the first lily photo
    Have a wonderful week-end

    1. Thanks Lea, that first photo shows some of the Asiatic Lilies that have been blooming. They're always a lovely sight.

  6. Hi Bernie! Your lilies are divine! I wasn't sure about the spider type lilies either but got one from a friend and it was so pretty it has made me a fan too. Love the brunfelsia and the hoya. Just gorgeous.

    1. Jean, I was surprised just how much I fell in love with this Spider Daylily. I think the colours helped develop my love as well as the form.

  7. I am so happy that I had some time to pop over here today and see what you shared! It is great to see some gardens that are actually growing since mine is pretty much saying goodnight for the long winter to come. I can already hardly wait for spring!
    Thank you so much for joining in on my little party this week! I hope to see you again soon! Have a great weekend!
    Your post today has been shared to the Tootsie Time Facebook page!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


    1. It's always a joy to join in your meme, Glenda.

  8. Is that a stephanotis in the top picture. it looks familiar as i had one where i used to live. i did manage to grow some plants from the seed pod one time.

    Your lillies are beautiful it must be wonderful to be able to grow such gorgeous tropical flowers. Hope you get rain soon, but not too much.

    1. Shirley, that top photo shows a Tabernaemontana. It's Tabernaemontana 'Sweet Love'. I does have the most wonderful pinwheel shaped flowers.

      Decent rain doesn't usually arrive here until the end of December and into January, when our wet season takes off. We have had some light showers in the last week though, just to whet our appetite!!

  9. Your lilies made my heart sing as my garden is in its final decline

    1. Donna, it's almost down time for my garden too, as summer is just around the corner and I don't venture out into the garden much at that time of the year.

  10. those lilies are growing only in highlands here, needs colder temps. But your hoya si awesome, if only Australia is not so strict with plants, i will ask for an exchange. Bernie, i am hooked with hoyas now!

    1. Ha, yes I know how much you love Hoyas, Andrea. You do have a fabulous collection. I have only two, and the Hoya bella is not doing so well this year. I think I need to re-pot and re-locate it.

  11. Gorgeous lilies and lovely dainty hoyas - simply stunning!

    1. I just can't do without my Lilies every year now, Stiletto, and I'm completely smitten with my Hoya! I think I'll be adding another as soon as I can.

  12. Your garden photography is stunning, I love lilies, but your photography is quite special.

    1. Thanking you Charlie, for your kind comment. I'm glad you enjoy the shots I take with my old Canon. It's been a great camera.

  13. Lilies and d'lilies, beautiful colours. I think the D'lily is a spider, so pretty. Love the fragrance of YTandT. A fantstic Hoya; great flower flaunt!

    1. Thanks Titania. The YTandT does have the most beautiful perfume doesn't it? I only wish I had a lot more of them growing here. I am thinking of adding a couple to the new garden beds though!

  14. Your flowers are really beautiful :)


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