
Friday, October 25, 2013

A Flower Flaunt ... as our mid-Spring month draws to a close

Yes, the end of our Springtime is approaching.  Just one more month left, officially, but the conditions are remarkably summery.  The humidity levels are rising once more, and it's starting to feel a little warmer and stickier.

Whilst we have had a couple of very light showers of rain in the past week, it's been of negligible benefit to the garden.  The raindrops barely penetrated the ground here, but it was delightful listening to the drumming of raindrops on the corrugated iron roof at night-time.

The landscape around our property is still looking dry and parched, as would be expected towards the end of a long dry season,

and the Agile Wallabies are searching for signs of new green growth wherever they can find some.  In this case, they've found some new growth where the grey-water pipe has sprung a leak and has been watering a patch in the side yard.

There are a few lovely blooms around the place, so let's see what can be found.

If you look to the sky outside my husband's workshop, you will see there are still quite a few flowers hanging on the branches of a couple of very tall Tabebuia heterophyllas.

The flowers adorn most of the bare almost leafless branches of the tree,

but they're so high up in many places that it's hard to get a close look in order to appreciate their delicate beauty. 

The very first blooms are appearing on my Delonix regias.  It's interesting to note the differences between the three trees though.   On the two that grow at the front gate area, most of the seed pods have fallen to the ground, and the bare branches are covered in flower buds, but there is little leaf growth.

It's the flowers that are taking centre stage on those two trees at the moment.

In the case of my other Delonix regia which grows near our car shed area however, the branches are covered in new lacy leaf growth as well as flower buds.  Mother Nature always amazes me!


Turnera subulata and Russelia juncea make a great pair.

There are some little perfumed flowers appearing on my dwarf  Murraya.

Salvia madrensis, 

and Salvia leucantha 'White Velour' are both beginning another blooming cycle.

My favourites at the moment though are definitely the double blooms that have appeared for the first time on one of my Nerium Oleanders,

and the rich cerise blooms on two of my Adenium obesums or Desert Roses.  The two young Adeniums that are planted out in the tiered garden beds have been grown from seed sent to me by a fellow north Queenslander blogger (thanks Pitta!) and the flowers are just gorgeous.  I'm so looking forward to seeing all the other little Adenium seedlings planted up and flourishing in one section of my new garden beds.  They will make a spectacular display when they're all blooming at once.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Lovely flowers and the wallabies are so cute. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It's been a very pleasant weekend so far, Gunilla. It is getting a little warm to be pottering around the garden in the middle of the day, however, so I'm out there in the early morning and evenings at the moment.

  2. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your comment, Our photos. It's always nice to see new readers enjoying the photos.

  3. A água é um fator muito importante , aqui ela vem bem rigorosa e arrasa muitos lugares
    que belas flores.

    1. Simone, during our short wet season the downpours can be truly harsh on the garden here. We get some very, very heavy rainfall towards the end of our summer, but of course, it's really the only decent rain we get all year so we have to be grateful for it.

  4. I've never seen Salvia leucantha with white calyces. Beautiful! We have the purple calyces, most with purple flowers, some with white. I will watch to see if they come available here.

    1. Jean, you know how much I love white in the garden, so when I spotted the white Salvia leucantha in a nursery here I just had to have it. It's been terrific and has stood up to the long dry, the short wet and the heat, so I'm on the lookout for more now. I hope you see some available there very soon. It's definitely one to try.

  5. G'Day Bernie! It was 31F here this morning with scattered frost. They are promising back to 70's this next week. I can't wait!
    I absolutely love your flowering trees. Dug up the Russellia that had taken root in my garden. It's now spending it's winter in the greenhouse. I am leaving some out to see what they do.

    1. Sounds like winter is not far off, Jean. I just can't imagine temps around 31 F! I would be a frozen little Bushbernie. It will be very interesting to see how the Russelia goes outside. Here's hoping it comes back after the winter. I'm sure the one in the greenhouse will flourish.

  6. So much blooming in your garden right the Wallabies....almost done here as the weather is getting colder.

  7. I envy all those beautiful flowers. The desert rose is fantastic!

  8. Hello :)
    A very interesting blog.
    beautiful plants ... in my country does not have such interesting specimens of plants
    I enjoy what is, because I love plants.
    Regards Danuta


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