
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mosaic Monday ... Out and About at Lone Pine

I've just returned from spending some of the semester holidays with my grandchildren.  They really wanted to go somewhere where they could get close to koalas and so we spent a day strolling around the wonderful Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane.  It was founded back in 1927, and is the world's oldest and largest koala sanctuary.

Here's just a few of the animals we were lucky enough to see.

Koala, white Dingo, Barn Owl and Tasmanian Devil.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. How wonderful to spend time together and see such fascinating creatures. That the founders of Lone Pine recognized the need to preserve this important place so long ago is very special too.

    1. Shirley, it really was amazing that the need to conserve our precious Koalas was recognised way back then. The Sanctuary does a fantastic job.

  2. Looks like an awesome sanctuary! The Koalas are so cute and I love the barn owl too. Great photos. Wishing you a happy week ahead!

    1. Thanks Eileen, it was a fabulous place to visit. They do have some amazing creatures there, but the Koalas stole my heart.

  3. That must have been wonderful! Lucky you!

    1. It was a wonderful day, thanks Gunilla. Something my grandchildren will always remember.

  4. Thank you Bernie excellent photos.And a wonderful way to spend with your grandchidren.

    1. Scotkat, it was something I'd been wanting to do for some time, and I really enjoyed getting the chance to do it finally.

  5. As a new grandma I am beginning to see that spending time with your grandchildren is bliss. I am glad you had a grand time with yours. Valerie

    1. Yes Val, it is indeed absolutely heavenly spending time with the grandchildren. It's exhausting but I love every minute of it. I only wish I lived in the same city, and not so far away.

  6. It's always wonderful to spend quality time with grandchildren Bernie. The Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary! The last time I was there I was 9 years old and left with the traditional black and white photo holding Koala in arms. A wonderful place indeed and I really like the subjects in your mosaic.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Rose, those old black and white photos were wonderful weren't they? We have one of my brother holding a koala way back about 40 years ago. I don't remember ever going there as a child though.

      The photos today are of course colour and digital. I had to have each of my grandchildren getting a photo taken, and they are wonderful keepsakes.

  7. Replies
    1. Oh yes, Karen, they are the cutest! We spent a lot of time hanging around the koala enclosures!

  8. What a terrific way to spend time with your grandchildren! The white Dingo is amazing and the Tasmanian devil actually looks cute from the picture! I have to say that when I saw the Dingo, it reminded me of an old Seinfeld episode. Do you know the episode I am speaking of? The episode was hilarious until I found out that what Ellen was referring to actually happened. ANYWAY...I am visiting from Mosaic Monday and am a new follower. I would love for you to visit me at Still Woods Farmhouse and follow my little bog. Have a wonderful week!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  9. Wow! Great photography ~ and so wonderful to see photos of animals indigenous to your world ~ Happy Day to you ^_^

  10. How wonderful! My children have been to Lone Pine on school excursions but I've never been. My husband and I visited Currumbin Sanctuary recently which was wonderful!


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