
Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's Flower Flaunt Time ... As Our First Winter Month Comes To An End

This coming weekend is the last weekend of our first winter month.  Here in the northern tropics, our winter weather has so far been absolutely glorious, as usual.   During this past week, our overnight temps. have dropped a little though.  We're now having around 11 deg C (51 F) at night, and we turn on the electric blanket for a little bit just before bedtime.  That's chilly for us!

Let's see what's blooming around the place at the moment.

There are finally some blooms appearing on my newly planted Pelargoniums.

There are still just a couple of pretty pink flowers bursting forth on the dwarf Azalea in the front garden bed.

My other Schlumbergera is about to start blooming.  I love the apricot colour of its flowers.

The two potted Azaleas out in the courtyard are getting ready for a late Winter show.

My Angelonias bloom pretty much all year round, but look far better during our winter months.

The hanging pots of Streptocarpus also bloom pretty much all year round.  They're looking great at the moment.

The Impatiens walleriana that grows in the shelter and protection of my shadehouse are showing their sweet faces.  They are another all-year-round bloomer here.

The spikes of the Celosia argentea look fantastic.

The first colourful bracts and tiny flowers are appearing on my dwarf pink Euphorbia pulcherrima or Poinsettia at long last.  They're a little later than usual, but most welcome.  They are a bright spot in winter gardens up here.

I always marvel at the colours of the newly opened bracts and the size of those tiny flowers in the middle.

The two Adenium obesum or Desert Roses have also started another blooming cycle for the year.

For some strange reason, there is still a flower spray opening on the winter deciduous Plumeria rubra.  I'm not used to seeing flowers on this tree when it's dropped almost all of its leaves and looking rather naked.

Hmmm, I've just noticed how much pink and purple is about during the wintertime here.  I'm detecting a bit of a theme.

Anyway, I'm just a day late but I'm joining Tootsie for her meme Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. You have some beautiful flowers in your garden Bernie, a real pleasure to see.
    Today’s Flowers
    An English Girl Rambles

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the few blooms that are out in my garden right now. Thanks for popping by, Denise.

  2. Beautiful as always Bernie. We would kill here to see something blooming in our gardens during the winter months!

    1. Thanks Jean. I think that maybe our 'winter' doesn't really deserve that name at all. It's more like a very reasonable version of a summer, much more like a northern hemisphere summer really.

      I do so love our winters though, and the fact that we can have year-round blooms. That's always appreciated.

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by!! I can't beleive that this is what your blooms look like after one month of Winter!! Winter here is temps. in the 20 - 30's and ice and snow!! Beautiful blooms!!


    1. Yes Debbie, we struck it lucky with our winter weather here in the tropics. It's a glorious time of the year, and definitely my favourite time. No ice, no frost, no snow, no freezing temps, and definitely no having to stay indoors. Of course, the summers are a different story altogether! They can be horrid.

  4. Here from Fertilizer Friday. Very beautiful flowers.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Clipped Wings. I appreciate it.

  5. Fabulous blooms ...I especially love seeing the Schlumbergera....

  6. I'll enjoy seeing that Schlumbergera open. I'm already anticipating our winter five months away to see mine. I may pot up some Azalea cuttings to root for winter, too. I was looking for a good Azalea to root when I read that an ideal one is growing in my garden!

    We used to grow Streptocarpus, too. Mr. Loran would start seeds and give us all some seedlings. Maybe I could start some seeds in his memory.

  7. I must say that winter in Australia is much more pleasant than in Poland :) In the first week of winter - in Poland, almost nothing blooms and all plants are almost gone. But, in Australia - winter looks so green and vibrant! I love it!

  8. I've never seen Celosia argentea before... how unusual and beautiful! I hope you will consider sharing with I Heart Macro:-)

  9. It is the nicest time in the tropics but we are having an unusual amount of rain. At least I don't have to water the garden but neither can I work out there and there is a lot of work to be done after a long period of neglect.

  10. Lovely flowers and lovely weather. Sounds like summer is cool.

  11. Oh to have flowers during the winter here instead of snow........
    Though I did notice many of the flowers you have there on the other side of the world, are here where I am from. Gives new meaning to "It's a small world after all."

  12. It must be nice to have flowers in bloom even in winter. Impatiens are gone here at the first whiff of fall frost. I like the baskets of Streptocarpus. Have a great weekend!

  13. You really do have a wonderful garden! So much colour and variety!


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