
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just Let Me Sunbake! ... The Year In Photographs ... July 13, 2013

Common Tree Snakes are a common sight around here. They are harmless, non-venomous and usually slither away when they're approached or hear us coming. 

This particular one though didn't want to move from its sunny spot.  It was enjoying the sun's rays and was quite content to stay exactly where it was and sunbake.

It seemed to be giving us a look as if to say "Just move along please, I don't want to be disturbed!"


  1. The Indians said that if a snake dropped by your house, its indicative of good fortune and tidings.

    1. Well considering how many times we see these snakes here, Stiletto, we should be absolutely rolling in good fortune and tidings, lol!

  2. I've now found a reason to like my winter: no snakes!

    1. You're lucky then Mama, because we still get snakes here even during our winters. Of course our winters are very mild.

  3. Nice warm spot, the colors are pretty in the sunshine. We have several types of friendly snakes which are helpful in the garden.

    1. These are very helpful snakes, Shirley. They like to eat the geckos which is great because we have way too many of them and they leave an enormous mess all over my verandah.

  4. I dont do snakes either Bernie!

    1. Snap! I give them a wide berth whether they're venomous or not.

  5. Mesmo sendo infensiva , não gostaria nada ,nada de encontrar um na minha casa.

    bom fim de semana.

    1. Thankfully, Simone, they don't often get inside our house. They do slither along our verandah though, and through the courtyard. We have screens on our windows and most of our doorways to stop them from ever getting inside the house.

  6. Not too many snakes here, although last year we saw a brown snake in our backyard.

    1. Oooh, don't like the brown ones. We've had a horrible Coastal Taipan here though, and it wasn't at all nice!!

  7. Wow, I would run if I saw this! I used to look for snakes as a child and my brother used to collect their skins, no more!


    1. Thank goodness we get a healthier respect for snakes as we get older. We used to roam around the bush when we were children and often tried to pick up snakes. Goodness only knows how we all survived!!

  8. Replies
    1. I don't mind them too much, well at least the non-venomous ones anyway. I do spend a lot of time stomping around the place though, just letting them know I'm on the way. Most just slither away and move on. I would never ever venture too close if I can help it.

  9. I like your snake photo, but even being harmless, the tree snake is too close for my comfort. The only snake that does not scare me is a garter snake and that took a really long time for me to let them slither around my yard. I kept saying if they eat the slugs they can stay.

  10. Never saw a snake I liked. LOL! I give them a wide berth too. Maybe because I was bitten as a child. They just make me mad. LOL!


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