
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Flower Flaunt ... A Little Late, But Here It Is.

I'm becoming very slack with my blog posts of late.  I think we all go through periods of blogging block, and that seems to be the case with me lately.  I'm just too pooped when I get home from work, and I'm finding it hard to find something to blog about.  I feel like I'm just showing the same old boring stuff every week.

Yep ... nothing new around here ... I hear him say!   Ah well ... I thought I would make the effort anyway.

It's our mid-Winter month, and boy has it been a very mild winter of late.  We've had daytime temps that have been climbing to the higher 20s ... 26 and 27 deg C  (78 - 80 F), and even our night-time temps have been up between 16 to 19 deg C  (60 - 66 F).  The jumpers and winter PJs have remained in the cupboard and drawers, and we were even tempted to put the fans on last night!   Not that I'm complaining, as it's been quite comfortable and enjoyable weather.

We woken up to some overcast days lately, and have had some very, very light showers in the last week or so.  Unfortunately none of it has actually penetrated the soil here, but it's freshened things up a little.

Out in the courtyard garden, the same old things are blooming.

Clerodendrum ugandense


Petunia 'Bumblebee'

Rosebud Pelargonium and Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

dwarf Azaleas

Angelonia augustifolia and Salvia splendens

double white Impatiens walleriana

Crossandra infundibuliformis

double Petunias

Out in the shadehouse garden, the Impatiens walleriana are always on show.

Out in the driveway garden beds you will see ...

Turnera subulata

and Turnera ulmifolia.

The more recent additions to the blooming parade have been ...

Tabebuia impetiginosa


dwarf pink Euphoriba pulcherrima

and Begonia 'Tiger Paws'

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Denise for Today's Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos 


  1. Very pretty and not at all boring. The Petunia 'Bumblebee' caught my attention, very nice. That one is special for its unique color.

    1. Maybe it's just me that's getting a little bored, Shirley. It's good to know you're not finding the posts too boring. The Bumblebee is a favourite of mine. I simply adore the colour. As the two plant mature a little more, there will be more yellow striping evident on the petals.

  2. Enjoying your flower shots so much!

  3. Beautiful flowers!
    Not at all boring!
    Though I will admit, I sometimes feel I am showing the same stuff over and over again, too.
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Thanks Lea. Maybe it's just me thinking that the same old stuff gets boring. I've been thinking that no matter how many shots I take of the same things from all different angles, it's still just the same old same old!

  4. I never tire of visiting here or seeing what you have growing or seeing the critters that visit your gardens. I love you bumblebee petunia. Your shade house and courtyard gardens always inspire me. In fact, I've started putting more potted plants into the screened 'catrium' off the back of the cottage.

    Thank you for your love and support and for your lovely email.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. You're wonderful, thanks Lorraine. Your visits and comments are always something I look forward too, as you're so generous with your comments. How wonderful to hear that I've inspired you a little. I'm looking forward to seeing those potted plants in your blog photos.

  5. That Petunia 'Bumblebee' is just beautiful!

    It's been wet and mild here. We had a couple of nippy nights in late June/early July, but I'm beginning to think that winter's over.

    1. Hi Snail. Maybe we might get a few cooler nights next month, just to remind us that it really is wintertime here! So far though it's been one of the mildest for quite some time.

      Bumblebee is one of my favourite Petunias. I haven't been able to grow it from seed yet, but thankfully it keeps turning up in the nurseries here every year!

  6. Well, you certainly didn't bore me! The flowers in your garden are gorgeous. The only time I see a poinsettia is at Christmas in a pot! And I always love to see a kookaburra!

    1. Well thanks, Karen, you're very kind. It's good to hear that my posts are boring too many people.

      We are so fortunate here to be able to grow our Poinsettias out in the garden. Unfortunately I only have one left now, as I've lost a couple after horrid wet seasons and cyclones. I really do need to plant more!

  7. Well, it may be the same old stuff growing to you, but as a first time visitor, I LOVED every bit of it :-)


  8. After a few mild days it's back to cold weather again for us 3 degrees celcius this morning. So many people including myself get great pleasure out of your posts and seeing your garden and what's flowering in it. Try not to lose heart and have a nice Sunday.

    1. Yes, I think you're right Karen. It seems that others do enjoy the posts and it's just me that's getting bored with it all at the moment. It's wonderful to get supportive comments like yours.

      3 deg C ... no I don't think I would cope with that. That sounds absolutely freezing to me. I'd be no good at all trying to deal with your winter!

  9. Your garden is just too beautiful.........such excitement, the chill is returning next week! :)

    1. I appreciate your lovely comment, thanks Rose. Hmmm, we'll see how chilly it gets up here next week. I'm thinking that we might get a few chilly days next month, just before the winter winds up.

  10. Nothing you ever share is boring Bernie, I can tell you truthfully I look forward to everything you have to share. But I do understand about bloggers block, especially when you're tired after a long day at work. This being the case I appreciate your post and all these lovely photos all the more. Thanks for linking with Today's Flowers and have a great week.

    1. That's great to hear, Denise. You've given me a boost with such a supportive comment. I think I've just hit that low in my blogging life, which I've noticed in others after a few years of blogging as well.

  11. I always look forward to seeing your photos, and even though I have been following you for a while you seem to have new stuff all the time – not at all boring! I also have Rosebud Pelargonium this year, bought 25 as plug plants and they are finally flowering. I am amazed at how long the flowers stay, after 3 weeks I have yet to pick off any dead flowers!

    Your winter temperatures are like a nice summer here in London, it must be wonderful to have such high temperatures all year round. Have a great Sunday, take care, Helene.

    1. How lovely it is to hear that it all seems so fresh and new to you, Helene. Obviously what's ho-hum and boring to me at the moment, doesn't seem that way to many of you who drop by to visit. That's reassuring.

      The Rosebud Pellie is fabulous isn't it? I was smitten not only by the form of the flowers, but also, as you noted, the length of flowering for each spray. It's terrific!

  12. Hello Bernie! I am blown away by your petunias! First is that Petunia 'Bumblebee' and next is the double one. Wow! Love to see real ones selling here. Also I was tickled when you say same old ones flowering haha... I think they can never leave your garden as you definitely have been taking good care of them :-) Enjoy the weekend! Cheers, Stephanie

    1. Stephanie, I'm a big fan of the double Petunias. I've been growing them for many years, and I'm never disappointed with them. I do sometimes grow the singles, although I tend to stick to beauties like the Bumblebee which makes a big impact out in the courtyard.

  13. Blogger's block hits us all now and then, I haven't commented for some time since I just can't raise the energy to find something to say after freezing halt to death weeding and pruning. You little showoff with your lovely tropical garden. We had sleet and hail yesterday and the ground is so wet it is hard to yank the grass out of the flowerbeds.
    Enjoy your warm winter and I wish your garden a good soaking at those temps.

    1. It does sound like you've had a hard time in the garden lately. I can't imagine trying to weed and prune when you feel frozen to the bone. Sleet and hail are not something you would see around here. Our winters are not really winters at all! Unfortunately we don't get much rain during our wintertime as it's our dry season. The decent soaking rains are a long way off yet.

  14. All your flowers are beautiful. Petunia' bumblebee' is amazing! I like the blue clerodendrum too.

  15. What a wonderful variety of color! I can't wait for spring and summer blossoms here in New Zealand!

  16. Such pretty flowers and a kooka!! We certainly don't get those here. Glad to see your bumblee is doing well. Something lay on mine in the pot and crushed most of it(miz kat) then I moved it to the back and something kept breaking it off that was hanging down. I finally gave up and pulled it up. I guess I can just enjoy yours!

  17. I just love reading about your winter garden that is a relief to you and represents my summer....

  18. Well, I have also been slack in doing blog posts, too, but also, in reading others' blogs. I enjoyed seeing what you have blooming!


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