
Sunday, June 2, 2013

In The Clear Blue Sky ... The Year In Photographs ... June 2, 2013.

It's an absolutely stunning early Winter's day here in the tropics.  The skies are blue, the temp is just right and there's soft breeze blowing through the trees.

There was a pair of Whistling Kites enjoying the thermals up high this morning.

One of them obligingly came down and rested on a branch for a few moments, so I could get a closer shot.  They are magnificent birds and they do indeed have a loud whistling call.


  1. That is really great that one of the Kites decided to drop down to your level allowing you to capture him for us all to enjoy.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, I was very pleased one decided to let me get a closer shot at least. My trusty old Canon camera can only do so much on its own!

  2. I will have to remember your winters day when mine comes in 6 months...

    1. Donna, we do have glorious winter weather here. It's one of the plus sides about living in the tropics.

  3. Oh yes Bernie, the weather has been awesome lately. I love it when birds are comfortable enough to come down to our level.

  4. I am glad you are having some nice weather that is not too hot for a change. We have had tons of rain which is very unusual for us and today blue skies and cooler temps. Very nice indeed! Have a great week Bernie.

  5. What a beautiful bird Bernie. I love those blue skies too.
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  6. Great photo of the Kite. Highlights the good reason to leave dead branches in a tree, they make a good spot where a bird can have a clear area to look around.


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