
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Pick-Me-Up ... The Year In Photographs ... June 12, 2013

I've been a little under-the-weather and off work over the last couple of days.  It's been lovely listening to the bird song around my place though, and that has cheered me up no end.

There has been a pair of little Sunbirds flitting around the courtyard, singing their hearts out ... but I only managed to get a shot of the beautiful little female.

The song of the Spangled Drongo has also been filling the air, and it's always a fantastic soundtrack to the day.


  1. Sorry to hear you have been poorly Bernie and hope you do feel much better soon.

    What a pretty Sunbird we dont see them here .

    Be great if you could share a photo on the bird thread on my forum.

    Take care Bernie.

    1. Thank you kindly, Scotkat. The Sunbird is a very common sight here, and I really love their quiet song. I'll go and share a photo on your forum now. I'll take advantage of the free time I have at the moment.

  2. Hope you soon feel better. Lovely photos of the sunbird and drongo. I have some bluetits nesting in the garden When it stops raining I will try and get some photos.

    1. Thanks Sue. I'm afraid I fell sick during the plane trip back home on Monday. Not really a great way to finish off a fabulous long weekend away.

      I would love to see some photos of the Bluetits. Hopefully that rain will take a break long enough for you to get outside.

  3. Bernie many thanks for sharing your photos on my forum.


  4. Hope you are feeling much better dear Bernie. Glad your feathered visitors cheered you up.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. While the songs of the birds have perked you up, it's simply the name of the Spangled Drongo that has cheered me on this rainy, rainy day up here. I want that bird in my garden, just so I can tell people: Spangled Drongo!

  6. Beautiful birds Bernie. Sorry to hear you have been sick. I do hope you have recovered.

  7. Get better dear friend. I hate to hear you have been sick.

  8. sorry you have not been feeling well - but hope you are on the mend by now. I enjoy both those birds in our garden as well.

  9. Nothing quite like birdsong to lift your spirits.


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