
Monday, May 27, 2013

Swarming ... The Year In Photographs ... May 27, 2013

There are two huge wasps' nests in the side garden.  They've both been built on my Serissa foetida plants, so obviously these plants must have some attraction for the wasps.

I think the wasps are the Paper Wasp, Ropalidia revolutionalis.

The swarm of wasps have built a long thin paper nest hanging down from the Serissa branches.  An egg is laid in each cell, but I'm not game enough to try and take a look.  These wasps can give quite a painful sting if you disturb their nest. 

I've also found another next hanging from a branch of the Mussaenda glabra in one of the front garden beds.  These little fellows have been very busy!!


  1. That looks interesting, I've never seen such a wasp nest yet! The ones I saw were always round or oval in shape.

    1. Paper Wasps' nests are common sights here. They appear in so many little corners of the house and garden. They certainly have an interesting shape.

  2. How exciting, but don't get too close.

    1. Ooh, don't worry, Sue. I've been bitten by these little things before as a result of not watching where I was going. I've learnt my lesson.

  3. It is neat, but I would stay my distance. Have a great day!

    1. Yes Eileen, I am definitely keeping a fair distance away from all three nests. Thankfully, this time I haven't been bitten.

  4. We often get them but I keep my distance Bernie.

  5. Hi Bernie! I would certainly hate to walk into that nest while not paying attention to where I was going! That would be a terrible mistake
    I fear!

  6. They sure look busy Bernie. Be careful and not stings.
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  7. Oh they are so fast those little buggers...we have to keep just ahead of them around the house!

  8. Interesting! I have never seen such nest but I think my small garden does not have the kind of comfort for insects to make homes ;-) Thanks Bernieh for posting these pictures. You have a great day!


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