
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Little One ... The Year In Photographs ... May 25, 2013

It's been an absolutely glorious end-of-Autumn day here in the north-east.  Conditions were perfect for lazing around on the verandah watching the Agile Wallaby show out in the yard.

I became enamoured with this little joey that was trying to get back into his mother's pouch.

"Aw, come on Mum!"

"I can get in.  I know I can."    Going ....

going ....



  1. Replies
    1. It was a perfect day for wallaby watching. Thanks Sue.

  2. Oh my gosh, look at those feet and the overall size of the little one. Such a load for mum to carry.

    Have a great upcoming week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, it's amazing how the bigger joeys fit in their mother's pouch sometimes. You would think it would get a bit too cramped in there to be comfortable, but the joeys seem to like it. The poor mothers seem to just carry on regardless.

  3. Can't get any more adorable than that!

    1. Gunilla, they certainly are adorable little things. I'm just so lucky to be able to see sights like this.

  4. The wallabies are so adorable! Especially the young one :)

  5. gosh I would have thought it was way too big to get back in :) Thanks for sharing that...

  6. What a sweet little show he has put on for you! It's probably time his poor mum kicked him out as he is getting too big to fit there.
    You have to feel a bit sorry for him tho.


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