
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Away From Home ... The Year In Photographs ... April 9, 2013.

I'm back from a little break spending time with my son and my grandchildren.  Of course I miss my little garden while I'm away, but during this break I spotted a few beautiful blooms in my son's garden.

I think these are Syzygium or Lilly Pilly flowers, but I'm not entirely sure having never grown these plants myself.


  1. Glad you had a nice visit with your son and grandchildren. I love the Lilly Pilly flowers and what a sweet, happy name they have.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

    1. It's always terrific spending time with them, Lorraine. I miss them terribly when I get back home!!!

  2. Bernie glad you got to enjoy being with your kids. Love the flowers on that bush. The bloom reminds me of a mimosa tree here. Not the leaves but the bloom structure. Does it smell good too?

  3. These are just lovely, never have seen them here even as a summer plant.


  4. Lilly Pilly sound so cute, they are pretty and we have several similar plants minus the cute names. Glad you took some time and enjoyed seeing the kids and grandkids Bernie.

  5. Whatever they are, they are gorgeous. I love soft white in any spot in the garden, and these fit the bill!


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