
Friday, April 12, 2013

Firday Flower Flaunt ... On This Mid-Autumn Day.

I'm now back home after a short mid-semester break.  My garden is not in top form at the moment.  I spent very little time gardening over our summer, and our first month of Autumn was no cooler or less humid so the garden down time continued into March as well.  I did a little bit of cleaning up at the end of March, but then of course I went away to visit with my family down south.

Upon my return home, I had to go to what we call 'Pupil-free' days, which are professional development days that all teachers are required to attend, so the garden has really had very little care and attention for quite a few months now.  Thankfully over the last two days, we've had lots of lovely gentle drenching rain which the garden really needed.

So for the flaunt today, there's really not a lot to show.

Out in the shadehouse garden the only blooms are ...

Dendrobium bigibbum

Streptocarpus caulescens,

and Aeschynanthus lobbianus.

Out in the courtyard garden ...

the unknown Water Lily continues to bloom,

as do the Salvia spelendens 'Vista Mix',

the Coleus,

and the Angelonia angustifolias.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Oh Bernie, imagine that, you've been away for so long and you can still find blooms when you came back! Amazing plants, still lovely on their own. And i love the first photo and how it bring colder temps. We only experience only once or 2x days like that at the start of winter in our neighboring countries in Dec. Welcome back to blogging.

  2. You have some beautiful plants flowering now, gorgeous flowers and foliage.

  3. Really beautiful blooms!
    And I love the sky shot!
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. So many lovely flowers. The waterlily is my favorite. Have a great weekend!

  5. Ah but your flowers are still beautiful. I had lunch with my teaching colleagues who are still working.

  6. Hi Bernie! Welcome back. We will be getting into planting mode here pretty soon and school will be out in May for the summer.

  7. Well, you have a lot more flowers than we do... I love that waterlily - such a beautiful colour!!!

  8. What a fantastic garden you have. I only have two orchids and a few moth eaten roses showing their courageous heads after our long, very hot, dry summer with a broken pump on the dam so I have nothing to water with.

  9. You always have beautiful gardens whether you have time for them or not. Lovely photos.

  10. Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Hello my dear down under friend. What a delight your lovely flowers are to see you have no idea how they cheered me up from my hospital bed the past week. Gardening for me is going to be on hold for the next few months (2 if I can get away with it!). I feel so frustrated bus S is learning to enjoy the garden! Maybe being ill has an up side. Have to go back into hospital in 6 weeks for an op. but fingers crossed I will be up and running again before too long. Until then I am relying on you to produce lots of lovely flower photos to keep me going!

  12. Lindas flores! Algumas eu tenho aqui!


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