
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's A Mid-Autumn Bloomin' Tuesday.

I know I haven't joined in Jean's great meme for quite some time, but I found myself at home, off work today, and just had to take the opportunity to join in once more.  We're coming to the end of our mid-Autumn month here in Oz, and here's just a snippet of some of the blooms around my place.

Salvia splendens 'Vista Mix' and Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

Costus productus

Coleus blooms

and the very common red-flowering Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

I'm joining Jean's Bloomin' Tuesday  meme.


  1. All beauties, fall is so pretty when the plants recover from the heat and bloom again.

    1. Autumn here is definitely the best time to be about the garden. You're right about the plants recovering from the heat, Shirley, but also from the intense sunshine and humidity.

  2. Beautiful Costus. I always made mistake which costus species I have.

    1. Malay, I'm trying to build up my collection of Costus. I only have a few at the moment, and I'm so looking forward to seeing many, many different Costus blooms in a few years time.

  3. Welcome! Everything is such glorious green! Beautiful blooms! Jean

    1. Jean, I'm only too happy to join in your meme again. It's been a while since my last effort.


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