
Friday, April 26, 2013

Flower Flaunt Friday Again ... on this mid-Autumn Friday.

Time to flaunt once more, but there's really not much blooming at the moment that I haven't flaunted in earlier Autumn posts, or shown on my other blog for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  So I thought I would just whack all the flower photos into a couple of collages for this week's flaunt.

Cleome, Plectranthus, Salvia, Costus, Tabernaemontana and Hibiscus.

Mussaenda, Turnera, Justicia, Allamanda, another Turnera, Russelia and Acacia.

Aeschynanthus, Impatiens, Dendrobium, Salvia and Azalea.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos


  1. The red / orange flower on the bottom left of the first set of pictures looks amazing. It looks like a parrot.

    1. That's the plant commonly known as the Lipstick Plant, Alex. It is quite a stunner when it's in full bloom.

  2. Your flowers are just so very colorful! I am amazed at the flora in our part of the world!

    1. Bettyl, we are indeed very blessed aren't we? I think sometimes we do tend to take so much of it for granted.

  3. Beautiful,Beautiful, Beautiful thats all I have to say!!!

  4. So many gorgeous flowers in wonderful colours. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It seems that we're going to get some rain this weekend, Gunilla, so I'm looking forward to it.

  5. Your dendrobium is so lovely Bernie, I wonder what I should do to get mine to flower, it has never flowered. I have a Dendrobium kingianum, and it is lots of babies from the mother plant, which sadly died. The mother never flowered either. I know it is supposed to have white flowers, but that's only because I saw one in flower where I bought it. Anyway, your is lovely :-)
    Have a nice week-end!

    1. That's so disappointing, Helene. I wonder why your Orchid, both mother and baby, wouldn't flower? I know the Dendrobium kingianum is native to our eastern coast here in Oz, and they do take quite a while to grow to flowering size as they are a slow growing Orchid. Perhaps it's just the age of the Orchid.

  6. I so love your Fall garden Bernie. It must be nice to have such a long season for blooms where you live. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Lona, we're lucky to see blooms pretty much all year round. The number varies, but there's always something to be found.

  7. I still am amazed what flowers bloom for you in fall...azalea and cleome are late spring and summer flowers...

  8. Oh my I wish I could grow some of the lovelies that you do!!! It is just too darned cold here...even in the summer!!!
    I am so happy that I had some time to pop over here today and see what you shared! It is great to finally be able to flaunt some of my own spring blessings and get inspired by some of the best gardens online!
    Thank you so much for joining in on my little party this week! I hope to see you again soon! Have a great weekend!
    Your post today has been shared to the Tootsie Time Facebook page!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  9. You have so many plants that are flowering in autumn - it's almost like extended summer :)

  10. Your garden would be a joy to visit every day with all the lovely blossoms and unique plants you have. Even in autumn, your yard is resplendent with blooms! Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Always love visiting your blog on my garden walk! Thanks for sharing all these amazing unique flowers! Paula in Idaho

  12. The colour stays on in the tropics.


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