
Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This First Friday of our Last Spring Month

Here it is already ... our last Spring month.  That means the gardening year is almost over for me, as the Summertime is always very hard on the garden and the gardener.  I am enjoying lots of great blooms at the moment though, and I'm savouring every moment I get to share with them!!!

Hemerocallis 'Maleny Tiger'

Asiatic Lilium (Matisse Collection) 'Golden Stone'

Asiatic Lilium

Olde World Lilium 'Pink Brilliant'

Olde World Lilium 'Nuance'

Olde World Liliums


Torenia, Salvia, Angelonia, Pentas, Portulaca and Impatiens.

Mandevilla 'White Fantasy'

Salvia leucantha 'White Velour'

Dietes bicolor

Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Midnight'

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Tina for Weekend Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos


  1. Beautiful series!
    My choise for this weekend is yellow - a few yeloow flowers.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you for visiting, Anastasia. I'll make sure I pop over to see your yellow flowers.

  2. Oh wow! I had to come here to get my flower and lily fix Bernie. LOL! That Pink Brilliant orienpet is just gorgeous! That white Mandevilla is so lovely. I really enjoy white in the garden. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. The Olde World Lilies are just magnificent, Lona. They tower above the others and have the best perfume. It's great to see the Mandevilla blooming again. It was cut back rather severely earlier in the year, and it's struggled through the dry season ever since.

  3. Oh Wow that orange no white no pink no oooowwww! flower heaven. :)
    have a great weekend.

    1. Lol, Sue, there's lots of colour out in the courtyard at the moment. I'm soaking it all up before the blooms start to wilt in the summer sun.

  4. Beautiful blooms. You have so much loveliness surrounding you there.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you kindly, Flowerlady. It's a lovely time to enjoy the flowers.

  5. Perfect flower amazing that they almost look artificial! almost

    1. Joanne, my old Canon still does a pretty good job. I'm lucky the old thing is still powering on.

  6. Hi Bernie!
    Your lily blooms are exquisite. I started planting a few day lilies last year but they didn't do very well because of the heat and dryness. I am hoping this next year they will be bigger and better.
    Summer starting for you but fall and winter here. A lot of the trees are all ready in bare mode but mine are holding on until its freezing so I will have to mow in the cold! I need to move to OZ!

    1. Jean, mine started off quite slowly too. They did come through the heat and dryness here though, and two years later they're starting to really take off. I think mine will be getting bigger and better from now on.

      No mowing in the cold here. But I can tell you, mowing in the heat is pretty awful too!

  7. all these beauties are from your garden?
    what a stunning display.

    1. Yes, Hamilton, these are all in my garden. I really only have three decent garden spaces, and most of these blooming plants grow in pots out in my courtyard.

  8. Lovely flowers, have a great weekend.

  9. dietes bicolor, sooo beautifull !!! I'v never seen this flower over here.

    1. Gwennie, the Dietes love heat and humidity. Originally from South Africe, they're a very hardy plant and tolerate our tough Aussie conditions very well.

  10. Hi Bernie, Since we are heading into winter here in Canada, your spring blooms are wonderful. Have a wonderful day and take care.

  11. As I cut down my browing lily stalks and cleaned up the garden for winter, it is so great to see all of those lovely blooms. It is a reminder of what is to come next spring and summer.


  12. It is nice to see so much color. We are headed into the cold, grey, dark days of winter. Enjoy your summer.

  13. You have a wonderful garden, so many beautiful flowers! Those lilies are amazing!

  14. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers with us.

  15. the lilies are gorgeous!
    i wonder if the dietes bicolor is related to the walking iris--they almost look the same.:p

    wrinkled pink flower

  16. so we are both entering our hardest times on the garden and gardener...glad to see all those gorgeous blooms

  17. Your garden is amazing! I love all the different lilies, they're all gorgeous.

  18. Hi Bernie, i haven't seen you for a while, hehe! Your hemerocallis maybe one thing that differentiates our tropical setting. You can have it and we don't!

  19. Wonderful captures as usual, Bernie. Love those liliums!
    Thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos.


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