
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... The Lily Show

Our mid-Spring month will soon be drawing to a close, which means the dreaded Summer is not too far away now.   I'm making sure I enjoy every minute of the springtime display at the moment while it lasts.

The pots of Asiatic and Oriental Lilies out in my Courtyard Garden look ffabulous right now.

I've chosen more pinks and whites this year.

There are also pots of Olde World Lilies, which are a cross between an Oriental and a Christmas Lily.

There have huge blooms.

One of the Asiatic Lilies I potted up last year has returned and putting on a great show out in the Shadehouse Garden.

The Hemerocallis Parade has begun out in the front tiered garden beds, and so far there have been appearances from ...

Hemerocallis 'Velvet Eyes'

Hemerocallis 'Archangel Eyes'

Hemerocallis 'Blackberry Jack'

and Hemerocallis 'Rue Madelaine'.

The Planchonia careya or Cocky Apples out in the surrounding bushland and on our property are blooming as well.  These fabulous flowers open up around dusk ...

... and then have fallen the next morning.  I'm finding the driveway littered with little blooms as I head off to work. 

The Justicia are showing their plumes once again ... 

... and the Brunfelsia latifolia or Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Shrub is putting on its fabulous show of  changing flowers.  There are often three colours present on the shrub at the same time as the violet blooms, fade first to a lavender blue and then to white.

I'm joining Tootsie for  Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Tina for Weekend Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos


  1. What gorgeous blooms, I am jealous. As we pack it in for a dreary winter, I am loving the lilies and daylilies on your blog.


    1. I'll keep you posted as the last Spring month unfolds, Eileen. Just a little while left now to enjoy the wonderful show.

  2. So many beautiful flowers. Your Asiatic lilies are amazing. The third one looks to be a double of some sort - very pretty.

    1. Pieces of Sunshine, yes that is a double. It's called 'Double Elodie'. The blooms are smaller than the other Asiatics, but so lovely.

  3. All your flowers are so gorgeous. I'm green with with envy. It should be with my fingers :)

    1. Ha, thanks Stiletto. I'm sure your fingers are green enough as I've seen your garden shots.

  4. Wow so gorgeous lilies and flowers, now I got the energy of your great photos.
    Good weekend from Marit of Norway.

  5. Fabulous lilies! I love those pink and white Olde World lilies - just gorgeous!

    1. Those Olde Worlds are enormous, Charlie. Well worth looking for.

  6. Once again you have some beautiful blooms to share with all of us. Your gardens never disappoint. They are always filled with color, shapes, scents and joy.


    1. I'm starting to run out of room out in my courtyard now Flowerlady. I don't know what I'll do when I spot the next must-have plant.

  7. So many nice flowers with great colours!
    Lovely to see!

    1. Appreciate your comment and your visit, thanks Hans.

  8. A feast for my eyes, walking through your garden must be heaven at the moment the perfume must be stunning. The pink Lillis are my favourites they are so pretty well they are all pretty. Sorry I have not visited much of late I have been having trouble with my computer not so good. All sorted now though so I have lots to catch up on. Hope you and the family are all well. Any plans for next month?

    1. Sue, the perfume is just wonderful out in the courtyard at the moment. Glad to hear your computer issues are sorted. We're all very well, thanks. I'm actually off to visit my son and grandchildren again is a week or so. I'll be leaving hubby in charge of the garden again, lol!

  9. Gorgeous flowers, that is an amazing show from your lilies.

    1. That's why I love this part of the year, Shirley. The Lilies always put on a great show.

  10. Hi Bernie....My goodness you have quite a collection of lilies! They should be smelling up your entire yard by now. Know that here the stems are quite expensive so you have quite a bit of money growing there in your garden. Beautiful!!!!

    1. Jean, I only have five pots of Lilies, but I've crammed a lot of bulbs into those pots. They seem to love it. I wonder if I could sell some of the blooms? Sounds like I might make a bit of pocket money.

    2. Bernie there are those who sell to flower shops! Go for it!

  11. I am here from Floral Friday. I love your flowers. Happy weekend to you.

    1. Thanks you for visiting, Joyful. I'm glad you enjoyed the blooms on display this time.

  12. So many different kinds of lilies. Lovely.

    1. Diane, I'm slowly building up a little collection. I keep adding just a couple more every year.

  13. enjoyed each of your flowers; your liliums are way ahead of mine, enjoy like you said. I'm also dreading the heatwaves

    1. Carole, I really dislike the summer here. It's not a good time for the poor plants either. I'm really enjoying this last burst of fabulous colour before the sun, the heat, the humidity and then the rains cause the garden to look less than its best.

  14. what a dreamy spring you are having...we are headed to the dreaded winter as you head to your we go!

  15. Gorgeous flowers! Your garden must look a real sight, so beautiful :)

  16. I love all your gorgeous flowers, especially the lilies.

  17. A my na te piękne lilie będziemy musieli poczekać do lata u nas . Pozdrawiam.
    And we at the beautiful lilies will have to wait until the summer with us. Yours.

  18. I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely blooms. You have a great collection of lilies, and I am intrigued by those Cocky Apples!

  19. Planchonia careya or Cocky Apples, love this.

    What is the different between a yucca and a yacca?


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